Friday 10 June 2011


In countries where all technology is said to be readily available, it takes maximum of more than 10 years to process an Asylum Application. This can be very surprising to many other countries in third world countries that are generally associated with inefficiency and corruption. What really drives workers in a country reputed to be a 1st world to work in such a manner?
Not many will have the reason for such conduct. The truth rests in the unsaid words of discrimination and the desire to invest in hate, war rather than peace. Decisions to go and kill people through expensive aircraft technology and other munitions are taken with instant passion. When it comes to processing Asylum applications that determine the the freedom of human beings within these countries' borders it takes painstakingly years, endless court appearances and other tribunal hearings. The reason being it is easier to kill than make peace.
What kind of people are leading this world?
A recent movie, "X-MAN First Class" illustrated that the devil is at work in many minds especially those that may end up in positions of power and are driven by insantiable appetite to injure and kill innocent people where ever they are in the world. While Africa is coined the dark continent their accusers are busy designing and manufacturing munitions, bombs and aircraft that use precesion technology to decimate their infrustracture and people with the tacit approval of the organisation purpoted to represent the world.
Why after the League of Nations now the United Nations has some countries that decided to become another body outside or inside the United Nations?
What is the purpose of creating a group that goes on to make decisions of invading and bombing other countries when their leaders fail are not held to account? Who will take to court those leaders that have caused the death of many people in their blind folded quest for peace and democracy at the expense of death and destruction of life and infrustructure.
What drives that mind?
Business to these men and women is making money over the death of innocent people. Creating business out of destruction of social infructure. Taking other countries resources at very low prices or for free. Control of the world's production and markets to suit their conditions. The spirit of jealous not allowing other countries have the freedom of choice on what they can do with their resources. All the events are a clear manifestation of the devil in men and women that claim to uphold the candles of peace and democracy.
These countries' cruelty and brutality brings more Asylum Seekers to their shores flooding their countries in search of protection. With those fortunate getting granted the refugee status there are also those currently facing an endless tunnel of agony and mental health destruction. A well managed "KILL ME SOFTLY " approach to dealing with the unwanted minority groups in host countries
To most Big Power Leadership Death and Suffering of other human beings is money in their bank accounts. Who is really the Osama Bin Laden of this world? The Bullies or their Victims?

1 comment:

catherine tshezi said...

The UKBA Immigration is failing dismally.The cases that are meant to be resolved in due time are dragged for decades.This is actually torturing human beings.The nature of torture is mentally,people are subjected to live a stressful life by the so called Immigration and Asylum support.It is getting out of hand,they must put their act together and protect people from this mental torture they are infflicting on people.