Tuesday 24 May 2011


We have Asylum Seekers who have hidden their lives from reality by confining themselves in their houses and continue mourning about the UKBA's inhuman treatment. Do not hide yourself there are organisations that can help you transform your lives without you having take anti-depressants. We encourage all people running away from the injustice of their countries to respect the little help they get from their hosts. We all know that every man and woman who has gone through the Asylum system in the UK. has a nasty story to tell. It is also a fact that many other people that went through the same system where never given a torrid time. Our point is torrid time or none of it get out the and rededicate yourself to what you believe in.
Why get broken with the "KILLING ME SOFTLY" Home Office approach which is designed to inherently work within every affected person to end up volunteering to go back to their home country. What the home office does not understand is that death is never a form of choice to any sane individual. Even limited torture no would choose that as an option. It is not wrong for anyone to make heartily choice as long they are convinced they are doing what is right for them.
We appeal to all that are hiding away from taking positive actions that involve upgrading individual academic and professional skills. Call on our Blog put out your inquiries, remove fear of the unknown if it is stopping you from letting life in you. There are people that  are fear the law enforcements agents that are intended to protect them the fear is unfounded and just a phantom. There many programmes out there that are designed to benefit Asylum Seekers and Refugees. Stand up and make yourselves heard and take the opportunity to serve your purposed, we all know that for believers and non believers we were all created for a purpose. How does locking oneself 24/7 in a house change your way of life?
We at DASUK INTERNATIONAL we are ready to play our part in improving the moment by empowering those willing to participate in community integration projects. Take your space in the Big Society by f bringing your ideas and and visions to the public domain that translate them into reality.
Do not hide for all the potential in you is wasted when indulge into drug abuse and other anti-social behaviors.
There is a beautiful world out there that is prepared to benefit from your positive contribution. 

Use your voice to bring the change, you do not need fear it will only fail your dreams and make you a slave.

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