When Barak H. Obama was elected President of USA (2008) many countries and their people thought the War Madness in the USA government was over. Sadly it has emerged that there is no difference as to who is in power in the USA. The Republicans and the Democrats are the two sides of the same coin. The world still suffers from the dominance of the Americans on world politics. What the USA does not know is that, The Suffering of Nations at their Hands will not just be shelved and be forgotten about. People in their poverty, powerlessness and vulnerability are thinking day and night of how they can counter the USA's evil against the world. It is not rocket science to say one day the answer will come from one or more corners of the world.
The use of Drones is the worst evil any brave nation can engage in. No brave man takes credit for fighting a anyone who is in his sleep or at a feast. The shame of killing people at will is huge to any sensible statesman.
The war in Syria is sad as it has created Asylum Seekers who the Western world does not want in their borders but at the same point do not want a Peaceful resolution of the issues at stake. It was Iraq, it became Libya today it is Syria! What is really wrong with the American government such that where ever it goes there is death and misery. What kind of Greed that makes these Republicans want war as if they feed on human meat? What wrong has the Syrians do the welfare of Americans such that unfairly construed threats are to come from the White House?
There are a lot of Asylum Seekers in most EU and American soil who are toiling out failure to be emancipated in order to live normal live and yet the USA and its Greedy Allies continue to torment that world under false allegations of Democracy.
Children, women, are all bearing the brunt of the Evil of politics. The USA and its Allies has not stated exactly what its agenda is in the Middle East what we see is the poorly informed Arab countries are being mobilised to slaughter their own brothers for the love money and favours. We rebuke all those from the Muslim world who are being used and paid to kill the innocent people of Syria for the advancement of Western interests.
Would ordinary Americans to have bombs exploding in their neighbourhood day and night for the reason another country does not want their President? We need United effort to STOP, USA, UK, France and their Allies to stop the current madness. The war in Syria is not worth the guns and lives being lost. The drivers of this war are purely evil minded political leaders who are bent of promoting the arms Sales in order to promote economic recovery of ailing fortunes of their countries.
Asylum Seekers are not going to get any welcome packages from all the countries that are sponsoring the war on Syria. The Republicans who are calling for the bombing of Syria are clearly evil politicians who are spineless and who are not supposed to be holding office. Why do they want other people's children to fight these wars when their own children are not any where near the battle fronts?
Shame on all those that are sponsoring the war on Syria. We DASUK we promote peace and fight for the welfare of Asylum Seekers in the world, we condemn the USA, UK, France and their allies for disturbing world peace for reasons not trying to grow their economies by enslaving other nations.
There has not been peace in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya so what is the benefit of causing other nations to be fighting and shedding blood when the same countries go around the world signing hymns of empty democracy songs.
If democracy means Western domination and exploitation of national economic resources then no country needs this democracy.
Russia, China and Iran are promoting peace in Syria through negotiated settlement and the very country that pretend to protect human rights are the one beating the drums of war and sponsoring terrorism. The world is awake and fully following the events in Syria and we believe those with evil intentions are not going to realise their goals if they do it will be at a price.
All nations who believe in democracy will support President Bashar Assad whether he wins the war or not bust he has stood for his country and defended his nation against Western evil.
Asylum Seekers would be happy if the BRICS could come up with an international organisation that will run the world's affairs, BRICS International Bank, and BRICS world army that will protect countries that are being victimised by the current United Nations which has proved beyond doubt that it does not stand for other nations by is used to disable legitimate governments that refuse to salute the West. We are saddened that the Peaceful world will not be allowed to contribute to the peace in Syria and the Devil led countries are after killing and displacing innocent people in order to achieve their world dominance.
Asylum Seekers who need welcome in these war mongering countries are destitute whilst millions of US dollars are poured into killing innocent people. A clear message to the world that it is best to kill that to settle Asylum Seekers displaced by these nations's evil deeds. The money poured into war and drones could save millions of people in the world from starvation and other diseases. Evil will never win any War no matter how many years it may take the world to correct the current evil trends the Devil has never been the winner otherwise the would not be here today.
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