Saturday, 16 March 2013


Deporting Zimbabweans, Iranians and Sri Lankians, who are failed Asylum Seekers over rhetoric of the current establishment in Zimbabwe does not constitute a well thought policy by the UKBA. The Zimbabweans who did not manage to get Asylum Status in the United Kingdom need to be considered for status that runs between 2 to 3 years with the right to work and allow a sane repatriation programme. Whilst the United Kingdom may think that deporting these Zimbabweans gains its country fame and other invisible gains, this policy is evil and not well thought. These failed Asylum Seekers did not fail to be Asylum Seekers by choice, but that the system that assessed them is always biased against them. It is not a new policy that the United Kingdom and many other EU countries are driving the anti-African immigrants’ agenda in their economic recovery plans. The truth of the matter is that whites are re-writing again the books of slavery. The abuse of those that cannot save themselves, it is clear to everyone that events in Zimbabwe would not prompt a civilised government to believe that it is good time to deport people they have failed on Asylum. We all hear the events that are unfolding in Zimbabwe; the MDC executive is not safe from abuse what will then happen to people labeled failed Asylum Seekers when they arrive in Zimbabwe.
It is not surprising that Israel has now taken the band wagon of also brutally abusing Africans in its country using the current precedents in EU trends. The seed of hate is being sown by the very countries that are carrying out the sponsorship of the Arab Spring. The United King has always been in the past a good example of democracy before its association with the USA. Zimbabweans have been used as pawns in political settlement and reconciliation by the EU and other Developed Despots who posture as liberators by day when they are murderers by night. Asylum Seekers deserve justice as they are not responsible for the political demise that hit their countries.
Stop the deportation of Zimbabweans and give them a better deal if claim to be civilised. We have seen that it is very easy for the United Kingdom to sponsor war than to engage in sensible social policies that promote harmonious international peace.
 The constrains associated with political interference by the Western bloc many Asylum Seeking people from Sri Lanka, Iran and Zimbabwe will continue to languish in poverty and destitution as the UKBA is unwilling to understand the tough life confronted by Asylum Seekers from these countries. The nature of the Western mentality on Asylum Seekers is far divorced from the reality that manifest in different individuals. An examples of Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom 5 -13 years in the Asylum System not allowed to work or do anything that helps individuals to retain their sanity, What does one expect of such unfortunate people.
Authorities must always put themselves in the shoes of the people they preside over if they are to remain relevant to the genuine cause of humanity. What good is it to be able to find money for financing wars, and many other forms of life destruction when people fleeing the destabilisation caused by Western democratic ideologies are left to suffer in the streets of Western Capitals?
Asylum Seekers deserve the same Just treatment as everyone else and to condemn them to fate of the Street does not reflect a single grain of democracy as preached by those who have imposed sanctions and send their forces to die for the same values they do not respect in their own background. Whiles we all shy away from reality of The United Nations becoming a tool of destruction. The very countries that are fomenting violence are the ones controlling the decisions that the United Nations makes. These decisions are creating more people seeking Asylum and refuge in different parts of the world. 
Positive decisions on many Asylum Seekers would assist economies in host countries and reduce a lot of social problems that host communities’ experience.  People Seeking Sanctuary do not deserve the treatment that they are getting if host countries can easily fund war that kills innocent people and children.
Politicians coerce and campaign for support but once in power they become monsters and forget about the needs of their various constituencies. A shame for those who waste their time putting effort in matters the central government are not sincerely addressing. The surprise is that most Western countries are war mongers that are trying to resuscitate their economies through the sale of military hardware and reconstruction contracts in victim countries.
The world in general is now living in fear as it has become a culture for the Americans and their allies that they have the right to liquidate those that do not curve in to their unjust demands. The world is never going to be safer with the abuse of drones and other chemical warfare being waged by the Western bloc. It is such posturing that has created Asylum Seekers a category of people that suffer for leaving their countries owing to problems started by the so called democracy.
The other shadow is that Asylum Seekers are “Business” their presence create demand for housing and many other functions such as Security. Those benefiting from their presence would feel hurt when authorities responsible for granting stay act efficiently resulting in smaller numbers seeking state assistance.


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