Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom (Dasuk) would like to invite all Asylum Seekers in the North East to support and subscribe to the programme of escorting persons who are going for reporting at the various Police Stations.
 Our aim is to try and quickly pass the information of Asylum Seekers that may find themselves taken by the UKBA Guards for Detention or pending deportation when they go for their routing reporting.
Those that have been unfortunate to find themselves at the mercy of the UKBA Guards have either been successfully saved from deportation, some detention and others saved by their next of kin and well-wishers.
Dasuk feels all the above circumstances can affect and be experienced by all Asylum Seekers who have their cases declared a failure by the UKBA.
Our intention is to make sure for the Asylum Seekers that are likely to face potential deportation should have the process unfold when their Lawyers, Friends and next of Kin are aware of what is happening to them.
This programme of escorting Asylum Seekers going to report will assist in gathering any personal items that affected persons may require on their person whatever the outcome of their situation will be.
The programme strives to allow those who want to act in any manner aimed at mitigating the suffering of Asylum taken for detention.
Asylum Seekers taken for detention will require Bail funds approximately £300.00, guarantor and a possible bailing address.
The information quickly passed on to their friends and next of kin will enable those that need to look for bail funds and other forms of assistance to do so at the earliest possible opportunity.
Dasuk in its presentation of issues that required consideration by G4S learnt that the new Housing Provider will be having the ability to store the property of Asylum Seekers successfully deported without being given the opportunity to collect all their property.
Dasuk would like to be part of the Community Organisations that will play a bigger role in making the effort to facilitate those deported to get their remaining property.
The New Housing Provider indicated that they will be able to look after the deported Asylum Seekers for a period of six months. The time we in Dasuk also feel to more than reasonable to have taken action to send the property to the country of origin of the affected people.
In order for Dasuk to be able to carry out this exercise successfully we need All Asylum Seekers who find this programme worth their time and effort to register for the Rosters to be used when carrying out the reporting exercise every other reporting day, week and month.


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