Thursday, 31 May 2012


The world of peace must support China and Russia for refusing to cooperate with the United Nations West driven Security Council. The events unfolding in Syria must squarely be blamed on the Americans and their allies. Syria has no problems managing in internal chaos until the involvement of the regional allies of America started the sponsorship of rebels. The miscalculation by the West has led the world into serious economic decline which never mentioned when the Euro-zone discuss their crumbling economies.
Refugees created by the Western military adventures around the world are not at all the focus of the American led military engagement. There is no interest of catering for human rights. As visibly illustrated but the three leading countries in the West, America, United Kingdom and France these are the countries whose Asylum Seeker policies have caused serious damage to people seeking sanctuary. The shame in the whole issue is that most of those that fall victim to the West’s double standards policies are people coming from war zones that have a lot to do with these three countries. The world economy does not require war it is time for the world to turn the military tanks into tractors for food production. American are mourning of the faltering of the American Dream that they thought the election of President Obama was a step towards this dream. Little did they know President Obama has no power to control the appetite for war by the Republicans? The republican are always after the expansion of their business within the serious capitalist framework which does not consider any of the poor people oriented policies that alleviate poverty.  Asylum Seekers get raw deals when the reach the shores of America, United Kingdom and France.
Looking at these three countries in fanning global conflict these are the countries that you would expect to be in the protection of people that are coming from the war zones as these countries are the one particularly responsible for the world’s most damaging military conflicts. Asylum Seekers are victims of the world’s arms industry which is fast developing and with new lethal weapons coming in the form of Drones and robotic fighters and all that one can imagine. The removal of the serious threat to human loss on the battle front has become an incentive to the West.

The infrastructure damage effects on victim countries are so huge that it enslaves the victim countries to adhere to Western policies and exploitation whilst paying the damage caused by the false liberation wars.
Asylum Seekers should Unite throughout the world and call for that halt of the production of lethal arms. The human cost of these modern Western liberation wars against dictators is not happening at the level of genuine and those being liberated believe. Human beings in developing countries are being sacrificed for military profits for the extremely rich Western multi nationals.
The resources that are channelled to wars in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan can literally be diverted to reducing poverty in those countries and leave more financial resources to fight world poverty. Why has it been easy for the Western world to produce military weapons that kill and destroy livelihood? Is it not easy to finance poverty alleviation programmes that empower people to live in peace and harmony? There is all the evidence from the past wars that more suffering has been endured in all countries where these fake liberation wars are fought. The world has remained hostage to the American ruthlessness motivated by their multinational financial interests in owning the whole world’s resources.

The United Nations Security Assembly has become the most irrelevant international organisation as it has allowed its authority to be used to spear head the interests of the big three world bullies. It is unfortunate that many other countries in the United Nations Security Council have not been useful to their constituencies by support policies that do not bring any meaning to their grassroots populations.
America and its top three allies in Europe are responsible for the deterioration of the world’s security situation as these are attitudes that are made to benefit their robust economies that at the same time ailing and failing to support their population. Tax Payers money is getting channelled in military engagements that have failed to bring significant profits for the entire nation. Military adventures have been the gains of the Multi-nationals who are into the production of military hardware and software.
The world must also agree that we need to have an international Court where countries that motivate other countries to attack another sovereign state must be brought to justice. No sensible and responsible leader should ever advocate for war fully aware of the consequences that ware bring to innocent people and the destruction of social infrastructure of the affected countries. Why has it been easy for these countries to promote war instead of peace?

The promotion of war by the United Nations Security Council is very immoral as it defeats the relevance of this international body. Why is the United Nations not letting Syrian people be guaranteed an opportunity to use the ballot to remove dictators. This a process that can be achieve by forcing a country violation human rights to accept to have UN monitors to make sure elections are held without any form of intimidation. Dictators have often sighted the arrogance of the American and its European allies as reasons why they not leave power because they find their own actions similar to the way the Americans and their allies are operating in the world.


These two countries are responsible for the liberation of Africa and they should be reward through free expression of appreciation by Africa and its populations. These countries have not dictated policies and waged wars to force the removal of any leadership that does not foster their interests. If they have done that these two countries have not used their mightiness to coerce the United Nations to endorse wars on small countries in order to facilitate the installation of puppet governments and leadership.
For all that does not support the increase of people seeking asylum around the world should support Russia and China in their effort to counter the efforts of the USA and its Allies. Moscow and Beijing should continue with their veto powers to counter the impending American appetite to go to war in the Middle East.
The Syrian people should be left to seek their own political solution without the support being offered by the West which will bring another puppet government that will continue to undermine the freedom of the Syrian people but continuing to undermine other countries’ peace and freedom.

If Americans, British and French want war they should allow these wars to fought on their soils. If war is fought on these countries’ territorial land it will create a new thinking among those that crave for war and promote the manufacture of lethal weapons of Mass Destruction.



Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom (Dasuk) would like to invite all Asylum Seekers in the North East to support and subscribe to the programme of escorting persons who are going for reporting at the various Police Stations.
 Our aim is to try and quickly pass the information of Asylum Seekers that may find themselves taken by the UKBA Guards for Detention or pending deportation when they go for their routing reporting.
Those that have been unfortunate to find themselves at the mercy of the UKBA Guards have either been successfully saved from deportation, some detention and others saved by their next of kin and well-wishers.
Dasuk feels all the above circumstances can affect and be experienced by all Asylum Seekers who have their cases declared a failure by the UKBA.
Our intention is to make sure for the Asylum Seekers that are likely to face potential deportation should have the process unfold when their Lawyers, Friends and next of Kin are aware of what is happening to them.
This programme of escorting Asylum Seekers going to report will assist in gathering any personal items that affected persons may require on their person whatever the outcome of their situation will be.
The programme strives to allow those who want to act in any manner aimed at mitigating the suffering of Asylum taken for detention.
Asylum Seekers taken for detention will require Bail funds approximately £300.00, guarantor and a possible bailing address.
The information quickly passed on to their friends and next of kin will enable those that need to look for bail funds and other forms of assistance to do so at the earliest possible opportunity.
Dasuk in its presentation of issues that required consideration by G4S learnt that the new Housing Provider will be having the ability to store the property of Asylum Seekers successfully deported without being given the opportunity to collect all their property.
Dasuk would like to be part of the Community Organisations that will play a bigger role in making the effort to facilitate those deported to get their remaining property.
The New Housing Provider indicated that they will be able to look after the deported Asylum Seekers for a period of six months. The time we in Dasuk also feel to more than reasonable to have taken action to send the property to the country of origin of the affected people.
In order for Dasuk to be able to carry out this exercise successfully we need All Asylum Seekers who find this programme worth their time and effort to register for the Rosters to be used when carrying out the reporting exercise every other reporting day, week and month.


Friday, 11 May 2012


The Regional Refugee Forum has been responsible for the empowerment and awakening that helped to bring Dasuk to positively engage with Local Police in Stockton and Thornaby. The Independent Police Authority encouraged the Dasuk leadership to take it as their duty to bring to the attention of police all the people who were responsible for anti social behaviour targeted at people seeking sanctuary. DASUK managed to bring to the attention of Stockton and Thornaby Police Stations the sources of racial abuse and other anti ethnic minority attacks. It is in the interest of all people seeking sanctuary to know that after making the positive effort to talk and work with the Police Teams in the Stockton and Thornaby areas. Dasuk enjoyed positive response and support from the two police stations that we were working with. Monthly talks were suggested with the police as means to evaluate and monitor the effort of the front line response officers' handling of the issues of racial abuse and other anti social behaviours aimed and ethnic minority.
The police offered incentives in encouraging the people who felt threatened by those that engaged in racial abusive behaviour and other threats. After a series of constructive engagements and talks led by the Police the hot spots for racial abuse and attacks have turned into very calm areas and no more harassment was experienced at the levels things were before this issues were brought to the attention of the Stockton and Thornaby Police stations.

Dasuk acknowledge and applauds the professionalism and dedication shown by the Police leadership we worked with. We in Dasuk would like urge other Police Stations in the North East Region to emulate the practical example by Stockton Police Station front line response officers and their leadership supported by Thornaby Neighbourhood Police.
We encourage many ethnic minority groups and people seeking sanctuary for feel free to express their social and other anti-social behaviours aimed at racial hatred and abuse.
We also thank the Independent Police Authority who took the initiative to engage Dasuk and Stockton Police Station supported by North East Refugee Forum based in Middlesbrough.