Monday, 17 December 2012

The report the 100 000 Asylum Applications were not even opened? The Home Office Workers and Officers even received Bonuses for cheating the Tax Payer and well as 100 000 Asylum Seekers whose life was dependent on the outcome of the assessment of their cases. If such behaviour is injust what have the authorities done to make sure Asylum Applicants are not subjected to such injustice. We guess the officers concerned's behaviour is acceptable in the UK because had it happened in developing countries heads would have rolled, the international community would have been made make an out cry that would have deafened the world's ears.
Why would such behavior be allowed to occur and why do the responsible officers go on to accept their bonuses after being so evil not only to those whose life hanged on their actions but those responsible for paying their salaries and bonuses? There are many innocent men, women and children whose life has been hanging in limbo and it seems no one is going to rescue if such conduct occurs at such senior levels of authority in the UKBA offices.


We never head any need or reason to call for an inquiry, is because the constituency affected is not of any significance? 
The newspapers that wrote articles on the actions of the Home Office actions did write very small articles easily missed by readers as a way of their trying to make the issue an insignificant matter to the nation of United Kingdom. These newspapers would made huge bold Headlines if the behaviour under scrutiny was that deploring Asylum Seeker/s. The bias of people who are hate filled has failed the United Kingdom whose reputation has been standards based on Excellence.


Media has been use as an agent of infuriating social discontent against those the media owners do not like the  presence of immigrants and Asylum Seekers in this country. The same media community enjoys printing pictures of the horrors of war and make money out the sale of such news but they do not want this country to host and assist those affected, persecuted and failed by such wars. The media has always want to confuse the ordinary public by mixing up Asylum issues with other immigration matters. Whiles the very owners of the media companies one way or the other benefits from all forms abuse that happened in the countries currently under strife they find quite easy to be draconian with people seeking sanctuary from political persecution. 
It is a shame that politicians have actually fed the media with Vernon to poison ordinary citizens to develop xenophobic behaviours towards people seeking sanctuary and other immigrants.  


The Home Office need to apologise the those it failed and make right their actions by writing to all those that they ignored as many of the people affected some have been languishing in this system for more than seven years.
It is quite sickening to understand that such important responsibilities are given to men and women who do not understand the values and need to be just. The consequences of their failure does not only affect the affected individuals only but other arms of government that have to deal with the traumatically of people languishing in this failing system perennially. 


Asylum Seekers needed to be informed who were affected by the behaviour and where possible an apology. It takes a lot of resources to compile evidence for an Asylum application let alone the numerous people involved in this process only to be dumped in a place where these documents are not viewed for any objective decision making purpose is a very serious insult to all that claim that this country stance for people's rights and freedoms.




Dasuk Founder really did help me to see the positives alternative way to deal with negative circumstances.

The asylum system is a waiting game, and waiting entails worry most times One very wise man once said " worry will not add a minute to your life". So what does one do when it seems all they can do is wait, well stop worrying pay more attention to the present moment.How do you do that? Well, accept the situation is as it is but more importantly narrow that down to the present moment not what you are going to do in 5 minutes time or next week, off course if you need more evidence or need to phone your solicitor do so in that present moment if that is possible, if its not possible accept the present moment as it is and see what happens.( Eckhart Tolle, the power of now). Most mental illnesses are related to the resistance of the present moment, non acceptance of what is. by letting go of resistance you are truly empowered and from that state of non resistance ,to the present moment, worry and fear naturally fall away. I Was detained for three years and through resistance i suffered much, until i did the seemingly impossible which is acceptance of the present moment.

Thank You.

Friday, 12 October 2012


Its very unfortunate that many Charity Organisations have made very serious commitments to assist people seeking sanctuary who in turn do not value themselves by engaging constructively with their helpers. As former members of the Asylum Seeking community we have learnt that it is not worth sitting and mourning about issues affecting you and others without and significant outreach effort to look for answers.
The level of inertia among the Asylum Seeking populations sometimes defeats all positive efforts extended to the constituency.
It is not noble to blame the stake holders that determine and make decisions on Asylum when the population and individuals affected are literally divorced the world of getting the justice they deserve. We totally have sympathy with those people who have been let down by the poor workmanship of the UKBA causing some Asylum Seeker claims to be unaccounted for. The Home Office should in its dignity do justice to all that have been failed by their working attitudes and lack of proficiency in dealing with the different change of circumstances that affect the people seeking sanctuary.

Unless it is open confirmed that the business of processing Asylum Seekers cases cannot be concluded and a measure to make sure people have jobs and the longer such decisions take the better it is for those working in these department, the reasons are noble for those that benefit from this outcome. It is unfortunate such practice of not considering the importance of time in dealing with asylum applications maybe an acceptable culture but it is not the same for those affected by this practice.

We understand many private companies make money of the Asylum Seekers' predicament but it is not reasonable to continue burdening Tax Payers with issues that can be resolved and save loads of public funds.
We understand that the Presidents and Prime Ministers who authorise war are doing for promoting the arms industry and other Multi-nationals but the morality behind the practice is not Godly. It is a shame that it is common knowledge that war displaces people and causes immigration problems and issues of all sorts but those responsible for authorising these are turn around and deny the people that their actions will have affected. People seeking sanctuary are as human as everyone else and it is important to offer them dignified human living conditions.

Millions of pounds and dollars are donated to rebel groups around the world whilst these same government cannot provide adequate housing and social care for their citizens. It is Shame that millions of pounds and dollars are donated towards memorial monuments of the world wars whilst the citizens of the nations are all in abject poverty without decent home to live in. The events that occur in the minds of people entrusted with power to rule country is truly bizarre. The nations' citizenry have become objects of exploitation through economic marginalisation. There is no more respect for life among the human species and the executive continue to pretend that they are in place to promote democracy when actually their daily efforts are simply fermenting hate and turmoil.

The world has just gone crazy with irresponsible Presidents and Prime Ministers making war cries over other countries' expense to decency and tranquility. Asylum Seekers should be treated like everyone else as they are all not animals but human beings displace because of the love for Big Money by people in power that pretend to represent and respect human rights.


Friday, 20 July 2012


We changed our name from Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom to DIASPORA ACTION and SUPPORT UNITED KINGDOM, (DASUK)
This has been necessitated by the positive development that has happened to majority our founding members who have all been granted status. This is a move that we applaud and give credit to the United Kingdom Home Office. People that are true activities remain passionate to this cause no matter what circumstances confront them. As a gesture to our attained status we have found it necessary to have a name that embraces the positive development that has been experienced within our organisation.
Dasuk does continue to do the work it was formed to do. With the support that we have experienced from North East Regional Refugee Forum, Citizens for Sanctuary, Thrive Methodist Church, Ners and many other RCOs that we have worked with we acknowledge the numerous benefits gained through positive engagement in this region. It is our wish our members and supporters from other parts of the United Kingdom feel confident to approach us whenever the want to understand how the activities of DASUK have impacted positively on the Asylum community in the North East Region.
We are currently developing an interesting programme that is aimed at making life safe and fair for those that find themselves facing the challenge of Removal from the United Kingdom.

Contact us on our e-mail for any questions in connection with this programme, which we feel should benefit all that see sense in contacting our work with passion and concern for others. We remain patriotic the aims and objectives of Dasuk in our daily work and wish if everyone would work hard to promote the upholding of human rights where ever we are in the world.

DASUK does pass its positive comments to the UKBA for the positive decisions made and we also understand their professionalism in areas they have found not meeting the criterion of not awarding status if this is supported by the applicants' failings in presenting the credible evidence of their cases. We do not wish anyone who finds themselves unable to be articulate in presenting their cases being victims of their failings and we urge all affected by such short comings to contact us and we will assist or sign post them to our trainers.

Thursday, 31 May 2012


The world of peace must support China and Russia for refusing to cooperate with the United Nations West driven Security Council. The events unfolding in Syria must squarely be blamed on the Americans and their allies. Syria has no problems managing in internal chaos until the involvement of the regional allies of America started the sponsorship of rebels. The miscalculation by the West has led the world into serious economic decline which never mentioned when the Euro-zone discuss their crumbling economies.
Refugees created by the Western military adventures around the world are not at all the focus of the American led military engagement. There is no interest of catering for human rights. As visibly illustrated but the three leading countries in the West, America, United Kingdom and France these are the countries whose Asylum Seeker policies have caused serious damage to people seeking sanctuary. The shame in the whole issue is that most of those that fall victim to the West’s double standards policies are people coming from war zones that have a lot to do with these three countries. The world economy does not require war it is time for the world to turn the military tanks into tractors for food production. American are mourning of the faltering of the American Dream that they thought the election of President Obama was a step towards this dream. Little did they know President Obama has no power to control the appetite for war by the Republicans? The republican are always after the expansion of their business within the serious capitalist framework which does not consider any of the poor people oriented policies that alleviate poverty.  Asylum Seekers get raw deals when the reach the shores of America, United Kingdom and France.
Looking at these three countries in fanning global conflict these are the countries that you would expect to be in the protection of people that are coming from the war zones as these countries are the one particularly responsible for the world’s most damaging military conflicts. Asylum Seekers are victims of the world’s arms industry which is fast developing and with new lethal weapons coming in the form of Drones and robotic fighters and all that one can imagine. The removal of the serious threat to human loss on the battle front has become an incentive to the West.

The infrastructure damage effects on victim countries are so huge that it enslaves the victim countries to adhere to Western policies and exploitation whilst paying the damage caused by the false liberation wars.
Asylum Seekers should Unite throughout the world and call for that halt of the production of lethal arms. The human cost of these modern Western liberation wars against dictators is not happening at the level of genuine and those being liberated believe. Human beings in developing countries are being sacrificed for military profits for the extremely rich Western multi nationals.
The resources that are channelled to wars in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan can literally be diverted to reducing poverty in those countries and leave more financial resources to fight world poverty. Why has it been easy for the Western world to produce military weapons that kill and destroy livelihood? Is it not easy to finance poverty alleviation programmes that empower people to live in peace and harmony? There is all the evidence from the past wars that more suffering has been endured in all countries where these fake liberation wars are fought. The world has remained hostage to the American ruthlessness motivated by their multinational financial interests in owning the whole world’s resources.

The United Nations Security Assembly has become the most irrelevant international organisation as it has allowed its authority to be used to spear head the interests of the big three world bullies. It is unfortunate that many other countries in the United Nations Security Council have not been useful to their constituencies by support policies that do not bring any meaning to their grassroots populations.
America and its top three allies in Europe are responsible for the deterioration of the world’s security situation as these are attitudes that are made to benefit their robust economies that at the same time ailing and failing to support their population. Tax Payers money is getting channelled in military engagements that have failed to bring significant profits for the entire nation. Military adventures have been the gains of the Multi-nationals who are into the production of military hardware and software.
The world must also agree that we need to have an international Court where countries that motivate other countries to attack another sovereign state must be brought to justice. No sensible and responsible leader should ever advocate for war fully aware of the consequences that ware bring to innocent people and the destruction of social infrastructure of the affected countries. Why has it been easy for these countries to promote war instead of peace?

The promotion of war by the United Nations Security Council is very immoral as it defeats the relevance of this international body. Why is the United Nations not letting Syrian people be guaranteed an opportunity to use the ballot to remove dictators. This a process that can be achieve by forcing a country violation human rights to accept to have UN monitors to make sure elections are held without any form of intimidation. Dictators have often sighted the arrogance of the American and its European allies as reasons why they not leave power because they find their own actions similar to the way the Americans and their allies are operating in the world.


These two countries are responsible for the liberation of Africa and they should be reward through free expression of appreciation by Africa and its populations. These countries have not dictated policies and waged wars to force the removal of any leadership that does not foster their interests. If they have done that these two countries have not used their mightiness to coerce the United Nations to endorse wars on small countries in order to facilitate the installation of puppet governments and leadership.
For all that does not support the increase of people seeking asylum around the world should support Russia and China in their effort to counter the efforts of the USA and its Allies. Moscow and Beijing should continue with their veto powers to counter the impending American appetite to go to war in the Middle East.
The Syrian people should be left to seek their own political solution without the support being offered by the West which will bring another puppet government that will continue to undermine the freedom of the Syrian people but continuing to undermine other countries’ peace and freedom.

If Americans, British and French want war they should allow these wars to fought on their soils. If war is fought on these countries’ territorial land it will create a new thinking among those that crave for war and promote the manufacture of lethal weapons of Mass Destruction.



Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom (Dasuk) would like to invite all Asylum Seekers in the North East to support and subscribe to the programme of escorting persons who are going for reporting at the various Police Stations.
 Our aim is to try and quickly pass the information of Asylum Seekers that may find themselves taken by the UKBA Guards for Detention or pending deportation when they go for their routing reporting.
Those that have been unfortunate to find themselves at the mercy of the UKBA Guards have either been successfully saved from deportation, some detention and others saved by their next of kin and well-wishers.
Dasuk feels all the above circumstances can affect and be experienced by all Asylum Seekers who have their cases declared a failure by the UKBA.
Our intention is to make sure for the Asylum Seekers that are likely to face potential deportation should have the process unfold when their Lawyers, Friends and next of Kin are aware of what is happening to them.
This programme of escorting Asylum Seekers going to report will assist in gathering any personal items that affected persons may require on their person whatever the outcome of their situation will be.
The programme strives to allow those who want to act in any manner aimed at mitigating the suffering of Asylum taken for detention.
Asylum Seekers taken for detention will require Bail funds approximately £300.00, guarantor and a possible bailing address.
The information quickly passed on to their friends and next of kin will enable those that need to look for bail funds and other forms of assistance to do so at the earliest possible opportunity.
Dasuk in its presentation of issues that required consideration by G4S learnt that the new Housing Provider will be having the ability to store the property of Asylum Seekers successfully deported without being given the opportunity to collect all their property.
Dasuk would like to be part of the Community Organisations that will play a bigger role in making the effort to facilitate those deported to get their remaining property.
The New Housing Provider indicated that they will be able to look after the deported Asylum Seekers for a period of six months. The time we in Dasuk also feel to more than reasonable to have taken action to send the property to the country of origin of the affected people.
In order for Dasuk to be able to carry out this exercise successfully we need All Asylum Seekers who find this programme worth their time and effort to register for the Rosters to be used when carrying out the reporting exercise every other reporting day, week and month.


Friday, 11 May 2012


The Regional Refugee Forum has been responsible for the empowerment and awakening that helped to bring Dasuk to positively engage with Local Police in Stockton and Thornaby. The Independent Police Authority encouraged the Dasuk leadership to take it as their duty to bring to the attention of police all the people who were responsible for anti social behaviour targeted at people seeking sanctuary. DASUK managed to bring to the attention of Stockton and Thornaby Police Stations the sources of racial abuse and other anti ethnic minority attacks. It is in the interest of all people seeking sanctuary to know that after making the positive effort to talk and work with the Police Teams in the Stockton and Thornaby areas. Dasuk enjoyed positive response and support from the two police stations that we were working with. Monthly talks were suggested with the police as means to evaluate and monitor the effort of the front line response officers' handling of the issues of racial abuse and other anti social behaviours aimed and ethnic minority.
The police offered incentives in encouraging the people who felt threatened by those that engaged in racial abusive behaviour and other threats. After a series of constructive engagements and talks led by the Police the hot spots for racial abuse and attacks have turned into very calm areas and no more harassment was experienced at the levels things were before this issues were brought to the attention of the Stockton and Thornaby Police stations.

Dasuk acknowledge and applauds the professionalism and dedication shown by the Police leadership we worked with. We in Dasuk would like urge other Police Stations in the North East Region to emulate the practical example by Stockton Police Station front line response officers and their leadership supported by Thornaby Neighbourhood Police.
We encourage many ethnic minority groups and people seeking sanctuary for feel free to express their social and other anti-social behaviours aimed at racial hatred and abuse.
We also thank the Independent Police Authority who took the initiative to engage Dasuk and Stockton Police Station supported by North East Refugee Forum based in Middlesbrough.

Monday, 9 April 2012


What is democracy?
If there is democracy why are we not allowed to watch channels like PRESSTV in the United Kingdom and be able to make judgements of what is wrong and right? Democracy should give people the right to choice and not politicians make choices of what their nations should watch. We saw this with Robert Mugabe when he banned BBC and CNN in Zimbabwe and subjected his nation to the “Chimurenga War Rethoric” Is this not the same thing the UK is doing concerning Press TV? Why should people in a democratic country be not allowed to see an opposing view of their country’s ideas on democracy? There is something evil about the democracy that the Western Capitals export to other countries. Worried over Robert Mugabe vs. the Western World's Press? By Lloyd Whitefield Butler, Jr. Jun 22, 2008

Many people that matter in the political world are more concerned about that views that the nation is not allowed to see as there is nothing new and inspiring in what we are exposed to. Who among the world leaders and politicians can define democracy? In what colour and race is democracy? These questions cannot be justly answered without mentioning the skewed vision that most of world the world leaders and presidents putting protection of Western economic interests as the hidden clause that defines what democracy is. Wall Street bankers seen to be the dark hand in mist wars and brutality hitting most parts of the world with mineral resources of great interest to the West. No wonder politicians have the nerve to blame Wall Street bankers for the recent recession that hit the U.S.A. and the rest of Europe. Bankers, corporations US foreign, domestic policies: Analyst The bankers influenced by the Multi International corporations in the mining of oil and other precious minerals has sponsored fakes and cheap democratic takeovers of government through instilling divide and rule tactics among nations with visible cracks in their democratic institutions. These sponsored regime changes have been aimed at all nations that resist the exploitation, control of their natural wealth by the Western controlled capitalists in Wall Street.

All other undemocratic nations whose governments and leadership subscribe and succumb to Western Interest and economic manipulation are spared the stick that has recently wrecked havoc in the Middle East and North Africa. A new economic colonialism which has become more vicious and brutal has now characterised the world political arena as the most vulnerable. No government with plenty of resources that Multinational corporations want will be allowed to exploit these resources on its own terms other than giving that right to Western capitals to dictate the terms under which those resources will be extracted and distributed on the international market.

The curses of having plenty natural resources have hit many of the oil mining countries in the Middles East. This misfortune of natural blessings to nations has turned into an unending curse, especially those countries whose political leadership try to resist the hand and influence of the United States.  The USA has its quest to boost its ailing economy has failed to reduce the appetite of going to war with any country that makes it difficult to access for the USA to hoard the oil and other minerals.  The coming of the Obama administration ushered a false hope on many nations as he was seen to have won the ticket to the White on an Anti-Bush war theme. It is clear that White does not have the power to control the dictates of the Multinational-corporations who in their own right and time are shaped and build out wars around the world.
Apart from the benefit derived from the sale of military hardware, software and munitions the military industry had been the greatest sources of Western economies national growth. The growth of the USA and European military industries are a direct result of million deaths on victim countries. The victim nations are not in any way able to protect themselves from all the air and ground onslaughts by the USA and its NATO allies.
Whiles the United Nations Assembly is full manned by staffers who are clearly skewed towards handing the USA and Europe all the decisions that perpetuate murder and violence and the pretext of international collectivism. It has emerged that those countries that are not aligned the world’s monsters of war and economic greed are no longer have the respect for the United Nations Assembly. Whiles the United Nations Assembly pretends it speaks for international justice it has also proved that it is not there for justice especially for nations that are not able to defend themselves. The United Nations Assembly was recently shamed when its shameless decision to try and facilitate another regime change in Syrian met the stiff resistance from Russia and China. Credit to these two nations must be given otherwise today the Syrians would have been left in the worst poverty stricken scenario.  Whiles the Libyan example opened a few countries’ eyes not many countries have gathered the strength to resist the Multi-nationals that have plundered Africa and the Middle East leaving most nations leaking poverty.

Robert Mugabe blames west for downfall of autocrats in Arab spring: President vows to defend Zimbabwe from 'machinations of the imperialists'. (David Smith, Friday 7 October 2011)
Democratic countries would not promote any action that brings death even to a single person, family or group, yet the USA and NATO have slaughtered many in Iraq and thousands in Libya and today they are secretly sponsoring murder squads in Syria and their actions are in no way condemned by the United Nations Assembly, that in its daily speeches and posturing purports to protect nations from foreign interference. No nation today can challenge the USA with direct war on the USA continent, this is the situation that has made America the most monster of military wars in the world today and unless this changes all the countries with mineral wealth have to at some point surrender their right to self governance.

Whiles countries are vanquished by bombs and many other munitions the brain drain to these same nations deprived afflicted countries of the manpower they deserve to set the victim countries on the path to recovery.  The same USA and Europe are the countries currently singing the anti-immigrations music denying those people fleeing from their bombardment the right to protection. Asylum Seekers and refugees are given a torrid time when they reach the continents of Europe and USA. People are put in detentions, without the selection of women and children getting any significant protection to minimise suffering. The shameful situation is that it will be clear that many of these people will have sided with the policies of the USA and NATO unwittingly only to be left stranded and poor.  Lives destroyed in the name of false democracy and exploitation of other nations’ mineral wealth.  It would make little sense if these countries would at least welcome those people fleeing from torture without causing them mental, emotional and physical torture. Alas things are not what they seem as the very drivers of the world wars are nowhere near the tragedies they cause to human lives. Until the world can tell the USA and its followers NATO to stop plunging the world into continued suffering, there is no democracy that should be talked about by any nation or institution. What democracy is the by bringing wars to nations that are enjoying peace and development at their own pace and style.
All countries must be given the right to self determination and also the right to choose to whom, which countries they would want to trade with. The United Nations Assembly institution has become a vehicle of needs to be reformed as it is no longer serving the purpose for which it was created; bringing misery and murder to all countries that are blessed with mineral wealth. The United Nations Assembly has become the vehicle of endorsing the bombardment of countries which are determined to control and fight for their right to self governance. Apart from the death, injuries and infrastructure destruction nations ate left leaking their wounds, burying their dead and attempting to rebuild whiles the USA and NATO discuss sharing ratios of the wealth they suddenly take control of through  puppet leaders who are selfish among their own people and use military detention, torture and deaths as methods of silencing opposition.

The failings of the USA and NATO policies have been seen and experienced in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, to mention a few. Whiles Saudi Arabia is left getting involved in Bahrain, no criticism of the Saudi Arabia’ involvement has been heard from the same countries that cry when protesters are killed. The allegiance of the USA and NATO to the Saudi government causes these two world war mongers blind the brutality of this oil rich nation. The US to go in and overthrow governments that defy them and don't do what the bankers on Wall Street would like them to do. (Maupin)  Is this the democracy the United Nations Assembly endorses around the world? Why has there not been a United Nations Assembly meeting to criticise that actions of the Saudis in Bahrain? The Saudis feed the monsters with oil hence their brutal actions have to be tolerated by the world? That is the kind of the world democracy that United Nations Assembly talks about and promotes.

It is time to take stock of the United Nations Assembly’s relevance to the emerging world of the greediness of the USA and Europe.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees have died, suffered most of them for issues that are not linked to their own making but siding with western interests that are not in any way beneficial to the cause of peace and democracy. If there is any democracy the right of the Syrians to deal with their own problems must be respected.

The right for Iran to make a nuclear boom must be respected. Iran must be allowed to do the development it needs without other Presidents, Prime Ministers of other countries or country, any International institutions or bodies telling Iran what to do. That is what we will all understand as democracy. If Israel can have nuclear weapons why can’t Iran do the same? Every country in the NATO as well as the USA has been a threat to international peace and stability and countries in Europe have owned nuclear weapons why were they not stopped to develop or own them?

It is these institutions, and leaders whom the USA and NATO will define as the correct arms of democracy.

Robert Mugabe blames west for downfall of autocrats in Arab spring. David Smith ( Friday 7 Oct.2011)

Friday, 30 March 2012




ON 12 APRIL 2012

10:00 - 12:30

This is an opportunity to bring positive changes to those seeking sanctuary's living conditions.

TRANSPORT (fare refunds) TO ALL WISHING TO ATTEND CONTACT RICHARD ON 07780810034 or KAY on 07786063295




Monday, 26 March 2012


The reason why authorities are having to be fought in courts to justify protecting people fleeing from all forms of persecution is a reflection of how animalistic the world has turned into. Why would any reasonable person find offence and threats from people seeking sanctuary? The actions of politicians have impacted negatively on the general social response to issues relating to migration of people threatened with war and other forms of social injustice. It is also Shame the same politicians claim to work for peace when the administrations they lead are violating the rights innocent victims of war and Dictatorial rule.
Who in the world still knows the value of life when our politicians are clamouring for war that vanguishes all the gains of civilisation and infrastructure of historical significance. We need as world go back to the basics of the respect of humanity and learning to love as we are all now full of hate. Nations and their nationalities are all putting value to money and all that it buys without respecting life.

It is interesting to listen to the Libyan Leader claiming that NATO allies have dumped his country a sign there was never a sincere reason for the bombardment of Libya. Those that thought the actions were taken as a sign of respecting their rights to democratic rule now face reality with Shame.
Be sure of what you ask for! Not all help is what you need cry for the love to save every human being and encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts.This is the only way God / Allah would have wanted all matters to be resolved.
Respect people Sanctuary they are people like you and deserve respect, love, shelter, food and all that brings meaning to life. 

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom and International would like to commend the UKBA in their latest level of decision making which has shown a significant change of speed and sensitivity to the plight of Asylum Seekers. We would like to give credit where it is deserved and for the Years 2010 to the beginning of 2012 the UKBA has done a good job. We continue to credit to all attitudes that embrace the plight of people seeking sanctuary.  Our members appreciate all the positive attitudes of all those that have been objective in their service delivery in all arms of the UKBA. It would be good practice if the image of the UKBA could be improved from the way some sections of the Asylum community view and understand it.
It has also been brought to our attention that the government through the department of UKBA desires to make the correct decisions that put Asylum Seekers in the safe places where they can get the protection that they deserve. It is unfortunate that some of the personnel tasked with such sensitive functions can end up carrying out such duties in a manner that tarnishes the image of the departments of the UKBA. We echo these sentiments on the realisation that the UKBA has responded to some of the criticism by putting in place the corrective measures and actions that empowered Asylum Seekers to feel safe and recognised as people that deserve respect. The people seeking sanctuary have the responsibility to bring to attention all the malpractices that tarnishes the image of the UKBA. We do hold the belief that change comes when all the stakeholders that benefit from all forms of positive change, put their heads together to bring sanity that promotes peace and harmony.
The different groups that represent and speak on behalf of people seeking sanctuary have done a great job reaching the UKBA and bringing to their attention matters requiring change and consideration. The Refugee Charities from throughout the UK have done excellent work in presenting the UKBA with evidence of the failures of the UKBA system. It is also worth noting that the response by the UKBA to some of these failures have been commendable and should be respected without mentioning the specific areas.
The media has remained a challenge as there is evidence that some sections newspapers publishers have chosen to become negative sensationalists on matters that relate to Asylum Seekers. It is such newspapers that have misled the British nation of the impact of immigration in this country. Immigration can never alter the economy of a country where all employment opportunities are guided by Equal Opportunity Guidelines. It is clear that some of the newspapers have taken it upon themselves to earn income for their publishing houses through demonising innocent people who are fleeing from zones of conflict.
The Asylum and Refugee communities are fully aware of such publications and the impact of their negative publicity among the country’s population and politicians. It is these money driven negative intentions that have in some cases brought the majority of innocent British people to hate people seeking Asylum.
We in DASUK & INTL. would like again to urge the UKBA to remain objective in their approach to issues affecting people seeking sanctuary. It cannot be possible for victims of persecution to come here just for economic benefits considering the tough and brutal routine people have to go through in order to justify their reason to be in this country.
Considering the evidence gathered in parts of the United Kingdom we would like to commend the good work done by the UKBA and continue to ask and plead with all those in charge of the system to remain objective in their daily roles at work. We would like to also mention that most negative decisions affecting women have plunged these women into circumstances that do not promote positive community behaviours. Mental illness, abuse of alcohol and other drugs and prostitution are among the problems experienced by destitute women. The women who are left to wander in the streets of the United Kingdom have found themselves vulnerable to exploitation by those in positions of power. The UKBA could do better than to pass such problems to the society to solve. Thanks to ordinary caring British people they have helped to keep the positive image of this country.
In DASUK & INTL. We say, “To create a Safer Britain or world it starts with those at home experiencing the democracy and human rights before exporting such practices elsewhere”.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


The world is facing devastating consequences as the Super Powers are focusing the growth of their economies on the sale of sophisticated arms of war. Whiles the same countries do not welcome the victims of people that flee zones of conflict. Western countries have not been systematically sympathetic to Asylum Seekers from countries that they destabilise. There is a clear culture that relentlessly and continued  promotion of wars. The developed countries have been the greatest threat to international peace owing to their multi- million dollars arms industry. The largest exporter of Military hardware and software is the United State and the country appears to confirm that it does not benefit from peace in the world neither does it allow the manifestation of justice in the world. When a country opposes the policies  and ideology of the United States and its allies then automatically the country is viewed as non democratic. These claims are clearly evident in the wars fought by the USA and NATO. The wars are not to bring peace to any land but strictly aim at promoting forced neo-colonisation through the use of force or installation of puppet governments.
The Military industry and its investors are the ones benefiting from the modern world politics and many voters are confronted by ever increasing cost of living. We should rise up against the military companies and their investors these are the people making money out of the deaths of innocent and vulnerable people. The worst terrorists are the sponsors of all forms of opposition in many countries whilst they posture as democrats and the expense of ignorance and poverty of those that they manipulate.

People in Many developed Countries are blindly voting for War Mongers and Prime Ministers and Presidents.
It has never occurred to the majority unsuspecting world voters that all the executives that they vote into office are happy for authorities’ wars that will vanquish their country economies as well as inflict death, injury to innocent people in victim countries. When people vote for their country leaders little are they aware that the power they hand over to these people is going to be used against them and well as victimising poor countries that do not subscribe to the developed world’s ideology. Whiles these political leaders are in their campaign routines they do not tell their voters the truth about their destructive intentions once they are in power and the consequences of the undemocratic actions taken against those unfortunate countries that try to resist all forms of exploitation by the Super Powers. The modern trend has been the sad and clear scenario where oil rich countries have found themselves being victims and ravaged by war owing to the curse associated with their oil wealth.
Unmanned Drones will make the world unsafe.
Whiles children could have enjoyed the video games that imitated war the USA and its allies have not taken the worst and unfortunate step of making the world unsafe by developing the means of eliminating their perceived enemies through the use of Drones. The development of these war machines makes that world an unfair place to be especially to all those that do not subscribe to the USA and its allies’ ideology. The recent Veto of the UN resolution by the Russian and Chinese proved the point. The USA and its allies did not regard the Russian and Chinese vote as their democratic right but a challenge to their quest to undermine the Syrian regime which is as speculated by other political observers a stumbling block in the anticipated attack of Iran by Israel. There is extremely nothing wrong with the way Russia and China voted but there is clear evil in those that are sponsoring Syrian Rebels.  
The voters in the developed world have been threatened by the ever escalating cost of living caused by the ever shrinking national economies which are subjected to huge unsustainable and unending military ventures by their governments. Voters have never been given the chance to express their dislike or approval of wars fought by their countries. The wars are fought in the name of those that have invested heavily in the military mighty of their countries. The war mongers have always had the last laugh to the banks as they reap wealth out of the lifelong payments made by countries that accept the installations of puppet leadership that controlled from the world’s most developed super Powers.

Asylum Seekers Short Changed
Despite the destruction of country infrastructure nations affected by victimisation by developed nations end up losing the skilled workers to these same nations. The ordinary and poor people from victim nations face torrid time when they reach the developed capitals seeking Asylum. These wars create unending confrontations which puts nationalities’ at throats of each other. The different camps and detention centers where Asylum Seekers are located treat them with severe and dehumanising treatment. The United Nations that authorise the use of force in regime changes does not even come to the rescue of such people. This development bring the confirmation that there is nothing like Human rights. There could be Human rights for those that are lucky to benefit from such talk but the practice is not standard and does not exists for ordinary poor people.

The International Court Of Justice
The International Court of Justice as its name denotes does not make clear who should be tried in these courts as the Western culprits are always left to continue their international war mongering attitudes. This International Court of Justice is in place to try those Presidents and executives from victim countries that resist the Super Powers’ political and economic impositions. The victim   such countries are targeted for victimisation once they resists unfair exploitation of their resources or use of their land and airspace for military expansionist policies. The countries that have resistance any form of abuse by Super Powers have found themselves paying for their stance. The victim countries cannot exercise their country’s sovereign rights as this is taken as violation of the human rights of a country’ citizens. The victim countries are cornered by the United Nations which serves the interest of Super Powers and endorses unjust wars as to prevent and recourse from the abuse by these Big Nations that have of late become the source of human extinction through their amassing of nuclear weapons and use of drones to eliminate any world opposition. It has not been a surprise that a Super Power President goes on to tell another president of a weaker nation that he / she must resign of face getting removed.
The worst democracy anyone can ever talk about. The United Nations and the International Court of Justice are all not independent in their work and they do not have the muscle to bring Super Power Presidents and Prime Ministers to face justice for their abuse of power. The United has become irrelevant to the world peace and in many instances the world body has become an accessory in the execution of injustice to other weaker nations.
It has been clear that all African, Asian and a Eastern European leaders have been the only ones to be dragged to the International Court of Justice. These are the clear unfair practices these institutions have not been conscious enough to appreciate. What a shame by the very people who assume the whole world is blind to their evil and brutal approach to justice.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


The trend if there going to be a regime change it has to becoming from the Western countries and capitals! Why has it become a trend that all regime changes have to be financed and sponsored by the Western Capitals? These questions are not going to be answered as we have all seen ho the UN has proved to be an organ that now facitates the removal of regimes that ensure stability in countries assumed to be under dectatorships. Democracy must not come through the destruction of lives and infrustracture in countries that are meant to benefit from the world bodies meant to promote peace, stability and econimic growth. The Legacy of the world we are no living is that the one with military power does not have to abide by any rules, values and the human rights we are always told about.
This example has impacted on leaders in many countries who have used the Military. Intelligence Organisations and the Police to abuse power against innocent citizens. It the Western exampes of democracy that has failed the whole world. It has become a world where nations are being told to do as the Big Nations want and say without them setting good exapmles of democratic institutions.
The fall out from these evils by all nations poor and rich is people thrown into exile where to get accepted is not easy. Asylum Seekers are people normally treated with sucspicion and resentment even though it is clear that Taxes form the public in host nations has been used to finance the purchase of weapons and military action against their nations.
We would like to call the Western Nations to choose other forms of effecting regime changes without resorting to using excessive military force. Life should always come first no matters whether the west is offended or does not like the incumbent leadership of a particular country.
The example of Iran's current troubles are based on the abuse of power by the world's powerful nations. Why should Iran not have nuclear weapons when countries can have them? Why should Iran be subjected to nuclear control when other countries never experienced that control? Judge the Iranians when the country uses their nuclear weapons against another country rather than force it to remain a lame duck to Western allies in the Middle East. No country should be above the Law. The recent assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientists has not been treated with the noise that we would hear if this had happened to anyone from the Western Capitals. Such method of justice delivery does not work when dealing with an informed world. People of today know what is right and wrong and they do not need anyone to lecture them on democracy.
Asylum Sekeers are victims of greedy and corrupt institutions around the world that have developed disrespect for human rights and the right to freedom among all citizens of this earth.
Treat immigrants fleeing from war and other social injustice with respect as this will happen to anyone. The world turns against innocent people in favour of those with power.
All military tanks should be turned into Tractors and produce food, guns into hoes for use in gardens, all explosives must be used for mining, tear gas must be truned to oxygen for those in intensive care units.
Preach love and not hate.
All we need is love. 

Saturday, 14 January 2012


The Asylum system should never in its manner of delivering the applicants to status turn them into zombies and lazy people. We are not familiar with what the other countries across the globe treat their Asylum applicants but some European countries have seen this opportunity as the chance to torment and ridicule people fleeing from war and many other social abuses. When we rate these actions perpetrated by government departments that are obligated to protect and respect human rights it leaves many astonished as the level of inhuman treatment surpasses what people in war ones my experience.
It has been a shame that although some tend to pass through the Asylum process without any shame or degradation others have clearly indicated that they have to pass and experience hell just to attain their Refugee status. Whether the treatment is aimed at sending a message to other people who may aspire to come to the European shores or not this is not clearly spell out. If the Idea was to discourage Asylum Seekers from coming to European shores this effort should be tallied with the European countries mainly under NATO to minimise their involvement in other countries' affairs. It is very disappointing that Europe goes to far borders to fight wars on human rights when in their borders they are victimising the very people they distabilise their lives through direct war or sponsorship of rebel movements.
Countries having internal strife should be left to solve their problems if the solution from Western capitals will mean bombs and the destruction of people's lives and infrastructure. The idea of waging wars of saving human lives by inflicting more damage and destruction of innocent lives in larger numbers makes no sense to all that have seen what is happening in then world. Human rights are only not secured by killing innocent people. The countries distabilised by war are vulnerable to all forms of abuse.
One shameful example was the linking of Aid to Gay rights this is the worst and evil way of promoting human rights. God has never created people to have sex with people of the same sex. Whatever the justification this world can bring is certainly based on twisted minds and people that are misleading the world through force and war. Poor countries have been subjected to all forms of abuse by those that have lost colonial influence plunging the world into another phase of turmoil.
Why people cannot appreciate being together without bringing conflicts that create war and strife is not defined. The arms industry is being expanded to now be directed to the Unmanned Military Vehicles that are inflicting severe damage to people perceived as enemies of Western countries. Drones have wrecked lives and destroyed infrastructure whether this is for justice or selfish interest that is left to be known by different minds.
The world should only cause the migration of Asylum Seekers when they know they will host and treat them with respect.
Military developments in the Western world has created so much pain for those without means to defend themselves. Bullies are not resting looking for opportunities to exploit and kill the vulnerable. Business of selling arms has caused the world so much pain such that sanity no longer matters.