Its very unfortunate that many Charity Organisations have made very serious commitments to assist people seeking sanctuary who in turn do not value themselves by engaging constructively with their helpers. As former members of the Asylum Seeking community we have learnt that it is not worth sitting and mourning about issues affecting you and others without and significant outreach effort to look for answers.
The level of inertia among the Asylum Seeking populations sometimes defeats all positive efforts extended to the constituency.
It is not noble to blame the stake holders that determine and make decisions on Asylum when the population and individuals affected are literally divorced the world of getting the justice they deserve. We totally have sympathy with those people who have been let down by the poor workmanship of the UKBA causing some Asylum Seeker claims to be unaccounted for. The Home Office should in its dignity do justice to all that have been failed by their working attitudes and lack of proficiency in dealing with the different change of circumstances that affect the people seeking sanctuary.
Unless it is open confirmed that the business of processing Asylum Seekers cases cannot be concluded and a measure to make sure people have jobs and the longer such decisions take the better it is for those working in these department, the reasons are noble for those that benefit from this outcome. It is unfortunate such practice of not considering the importance of time in dealing with asylum applications maybe an acceptable culture but it is not the same for those affected by this practice.
We understand many private companies make money of the Asylum Seekers' predicament but it is not reasonable to continue burdening Tax Payers with issues that can be resolved and save loads of public funds.
We understand that the Presidents and Prime Ministers who authorise war are doing for promoting the arms industry and other Multi-nationals but the morality behind the practice is not Godly. It is a shame that it is common knowledge that war displaces people and causes immigration problems and issues of all sorts but those responsible for authorising these are turn around and deny the people that their actions will have affected. People seeking sanctuary are as human as everyone else and it is important to offer them dignified human living conditions.
Millions of pounds and dollars are donated to rebel groups around the world whilst these same government cannot provide adequate housing and social care for their citizens. It is Shame that millions of pounds and dollars are donated towards memorial monuments of the world wars whilst the citizens of the nations are all in abject poverty without decent home to live in. The events that occur in the minds of people entrusted with power to rule country is truly bizarre. The nations' citizenry have become objects of exploitation through economic marginalisation. There is no more respect for life among the human species and the executive continue to pretend that they are in place to promote democracy when actually their daily efforts are simply fermenting hate and turmoil.
The world has just gone crazy with irresponsible Presidents and Prime Ministers making war cries over other countries' expense to decency and tranquility. Asylum Seekers should be treated like everyone else as they are all not animals but human beings displace because of the love for Big Money by people in power that pretend to represent and respect human rights.