Sunday, 12 February 2012


The world is facing devastating consequences as the Super Powers are focusing the growth of their economies on the sale of sophisticated arms of war. Whiles the same countries do not welcome the victims of people that flee zones of conflict. Western countries have not been systematically sympathetic to Asylum Seekers from countries that they destabilise. There is a clear culture that relentlessly and continued  promotion of wars. The developed countries have been the greatest threat to international peace owing to their multi- million dollars arms industry. The largest exporter of Military hardware and software is the United State and the country appears to confirm that it does not benefit from peace in the world neither does it allow the manifestation of justice in the world. When a country opposes the policies  and ideology of the United States and its allies then automatically the country is viewed as non democratic. These claims are clearly evident in the wars fought by the USA and NATO. The wars are not to bring peace to any land but strictly aim at promoting forced neo-colonisation through the use of force or installation of puppet governments.
The Military industry and its investors are the ones benefiting from the modern world politics and many voters are confronted by ever increasing cost of living. We should rise up against the military companies and their investors these are the people making money out of the deaths of innocent and vulnerable people. The worst terrorists are the sponsors of all forms of opposition in many countries whilst they posture as democrats and the expense of ignorance and poverty of those that they manipulate.

People in Many developed Countries are blindly voting for War Mongers and Prime Ministers and Presidents.
It has never occurred to the majority unsuspecting world voters that all the executives that they vote into office are happy for authorities’ wars that will vanquish their country economies as well as inflict death, injury to innocent people in victim countries. When people vote for their country leaders little are they aware that the power they hand over to these people is going to be used against them and well as victimising poor countries that do not subscribe to the developed world’s ideology. Whiles these political leaders are in their campaign routines they do not tell their voters the truth about their destructive intentions once they are in power and the consequences of the undemocratic actions taken against those unfortunate countries that try to resist all forms of exploitation by the Super Powers. The modern trend has been the sad and clear scenario where oil rich countries have found themselves being victims and ravaged by war owing to the curse associated with their oil wealth.
Unmanned Drones will make the world unsafe.
Whiles children could have enjoyed the video games that imitated war the USA and its allies have not taken the worst and unfortunate step of making the world unsafe by developing the means of eliminating their perceived enemies through the use of Drones. The development of these war machines makes that world an unfair place to be especially to all those that do not subscribe to the USA and its allies’ ideology. The recent Veto of the UN resolution by the Russian and Chinese proved the point. The USA and its allies did not regard the Russian and Chinese vote as their democratic right but a challenge to their quest to undermine the Syrian regime which is as speculated by other political observers a stumbling block in the anticipated attack of Iran by Israel. There is extremely nothing wrong with the way Russia and China voted but there is clear evil in those that are sponsoring Syrian Rebels.  
The voters in the developed world have been threatened by the ever escalating cost of living caused by the ever shrinking national economies which are subjected to huge unsustainable and unending military ventures by their governments. Voters have never been given the chance to express their dislike or approval of wars fought by their countries. The wars are fought in the name of those that have invested heavily in the military mighty of their countries. The war mongers have always had the last laugh to the banks as they reap wealth out of the lifelong payments made by countries that accept the installations of puppet leadership that controlled from the world’s most developed super Powers.

Asylum Seekers Short Changed
Despite the destruction of country infrastructure nations affected by victimisation by developed nations end up losing the skilled workers to these same nations. The ordinary and poor people from victim nations face torrid time when they reach the developed capitals seeking Asylum. These wars create unending confrontations which puts nationalities’ at throats of each other. The different camps and detention centers where Asylum Seekers are located treat them with severe and dehumanising treatment. The United Nations that authorise the use of force in regime changes does not even come to the rescue of such people. This development bring the confirmation that there is nothing like Human rights. There could be Human rights for those that are lucky to benefit from such talk but the practice is not standard and does not exists for ordinary poor people.

The International Court Of Justice
The International Court of Justice as its name denotes does not make clear who should be tried in these courts as the Western culprits are always left to continue their international war mongering attitudes. This International Court of Justice is in place to try those Presidents and executives from victim countries that resist the Super Powers’ political and economic impositions. The victim   such countries are targeted for victimisation once they resists unfair exploitation of their resources or use of their land and airspace for military expansionist policies. The countries that have resistance any form of abuse by Super Powers have found themselves paying for their stance. The victim countries cannot exercise their country’s sovereign rights as this is taken as violation of the human rights of a country’ citizens. The victim countries are cornered by the United Nations which serves the interest of Super Powers and endorses unjust wars as to prevent and recourse from the abuse by these Big Nations that have of late become the source of human extinction through their amassing of nuclear weapons and use of drones to eliminate any world opposition. It has not been a surprise that a Super Power President goes on to tell another president of a weaker nation that he / she must resign of face getting removed.
The worst democracy anyone can ever talk about. The United Nations and the International Court of Justice are all not independent in their work and they do not have the muscle to bring Super Power Presidents and Prime Ministers to face justice for their abuse of power. The United has become irrelevant to the world peace and in many instances the world body has become an accessory in the execution of injustice to other weaker nations.
It has been clear that all African, Asian and a Eastern European leaders have been the only ones to be dragged to the International Court of Justice. These are the clear unfair practices these institutions have not been conscious enough to appreciate. What a shame by the very people who assume the whole world is blind to their evil and brutal approach to justice.