Tuesday, 24 January 2012


The trend if there going to be a regime change it has to becoming from the Western countries and capitals! Why has it become a trend that all regime changes have to be financed and sponsored by the Western Capitals? These questions are not going to be answered as we have all seen ho the UN has proved to be an organ that now facitates the removal of regimes that ensure stability in countries assumed to be under dectatorships. Democracy must not come through the destruction of lives and infrustracture in countries that are meant to benefit from the world bodies meant to promote peace, stability and econimic growth. The Legacy of the world we are no living is that the one with military power does not have to abide by any rules, values and the human rights we are always told about.
This example has impacted on leaders in many countries who have used the Military. Intelligence Organisations and the Police to abuse power against innocent citizens. It the Western exampes of democracy that has failed the whole world. It has become a world where nations are being told to do as the Big Nations want and say without them setting good exapmles of democratic institutions.
The fall out from these evils by all nations poor and rich is people thrown into exile where to get accepted is not easy. Asylum Seekers are people normally treated with sucspicion and resentment even though it is clear that Taxes form the public in host nations has been used to finance the purchase of weapons and military action against their nations.
We would like to call the Western Nations to choose other forms of effecting regime changes without resorting to using excessive military force. Life should always come first no matters whether the west is offended or does not like the incumbent leadership of a particular country.
The example of Iran's current troubles are based on the abuse of power by the world's powerful nations. Why should Iran not have nuclear weapons when countries can have them? Why should Iran be subjected to nuclear control when other countries never experienced that control? Judge the Iranians when the country uses their nuclear weapons against another country rather than force it to remain a lame duck to Western allies in the Middle East. No country should be above the Law. The recent assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientists has not been treated with the noise that we would hear if this had happened to anyone from the Western Capitals. Such method of justice delivery does not work when dealing with an informed world. People of today know what is right and wrong and they do not need anyone to lecture them on democracy.
Asylum Sekeers are victims of greedy and corrupt institutions around the world that have developed disrespect for human rights and the right to freedom among all citizens of this earth.
Treat immigrants fleeing from war and other social injustice with respect as this will happen to anyone. The world turns against innocent people in favour of those with power.
All military tanks should be turned into Tractors and produce food, guns into hoes for use in gardens, all explosives must be used for mining, tear gas must be truned to oxygen for those in intensive care units.
Preach love and not hate.
All we need is love. 

Saturday, 14 January 2012


The Asylum system should never in its manner of delivering the applicants to status turn them into zombies and lazy people. We are not familiar with what the other countries across the globe treat their Asylum applicants but some European countries have seen this opportunity as the chance to torment and ridicule people fleeing from war and many other social abuses. When we rate these actions perpetrated by government departments that are obligated to protect and respect human rights it leaves many astonished as the level of inhuman treatment surpasses what people in war ones my experience.
It has been a shame that although some tend to pass through the Asylum process without any shame or degradation others have clearly indicated that they have to pass and experience hell just to attain their Refugee status. Whether the treatment is aimed at sending a message to other people who may aspire to come to the European shores or not this is not clearly spell out. If the Idea was to discourage Asylum Seekers from coming to European shores this effort should be tallied with the European countries mainly under NATO to minimise their involvement in other countries' affairs. It is very disappointing that Europe goes to far borders to fight wars on human rights when in their borders they are victimising the very people they distabilise their lives through direct war or sponsorship of rebel movements.
Countries having internal strife should be left to solve their problems if the solution from Western capitals will mean bombs and the destruction of people's lives and infrastructure. The idea of waging wars of saving human lives by inflicting more damage and destruction of innocent lives in larger numbers makes no sense to all that have seen what is happening in then world. Human rights are only not secured by killing innocent people. The countries distabilised by war are vulnerable to all forms of abuse.
One shameful example was the linking of Aid to Gay rights this is the worst and evil way of promoting human rights. God has never created people to have sex with people of the same sex. Whatever the justification this world can bring is certainly based on twisted minds and people that are misleading the world through force and war. Poor countries have been subjected to all forms of abuse by those that have lost colonial influence plunging the world into another phase of turmoil.
Why people cannot appreciate being together without bringing conflicts that create war and strife is not defined. The arms industry is being expanded to now be directed to the Unmanned Military Vehicles that are inflicting severe damage to people perceived as enemies of Western countries. Drones have wrecked lives and destroyed infrastructure whether this is for justice or selfish interest that is left to be known by different minds.
The world should only cause the migration of Asylum Seekers when they know they will host and treat them with respect.
Military developments in the Western world has created so much pain for those without means to defend themselves. Bullies are not resting looking for opportunities to exploit and kill the vulnerable. Business of selling arms has caused the world so much pain such that sanity no longer matters.