Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Whatever the reasons behind the Middle East politics, the chaos in Syria has taken longer the natural ability of the Syrian people to protest. Who ever and whatever is behind the citizens' energy should be addressed by the Syrian people and not through senseless protest where civilians start using arms to fight their government. It clear that if the civilians think by trying and engaging in violent protests the government will curve in to their sinister demands becomes a matter of life and death for both parties.
It is incorrect to seek peace using the gun and it has been seen through out the world that no amount of violent can end without coming to the table. The current levels of violent will simply take its toll on Syrian people. If the aim of the nation of Syria is to self destruct then they will manage this without any hand from the foreign countries. Both government and civilians should have learnt from what has happened in many countries. Egypt has not achieved anything since the departure of Hosni Mubarak and Iraqi has not been peaceful compared to what it was when Saddam was in power.
Which of these two devils is the right one?
The former is the only answer to the stability of all these countries. Trying to using foreign influence to change regimes is never going to benefit these nations. There are always better methods to settle disputes than resorting to damaging own infrastructure when you do not have the resources to rebuilt them. It is always sensible to seek peace through peaceful means and electoral process. Fighting in the streets is simply going to consume the nation's resources whiles weakening your countries for foreign enemies to come and finish you all off. People with or without power must learn to positively engage and come out with non violent means of conflict resolution.
Out of all the commotion Syria is sending it people creating a huge wave of Asylum Seekers who will live in foreign countries where they are going to be abused and exploited. All the hardships that come out of the hate among the same people does not benefit any one but only serves to reward the enemies of a nation. The plight that plagues the Asylum population is sad and should never be allowed to continues especially when we have the opportunity to sit on the table ans seek peaceful means of the resolution of national differences.
There are very people that are going to benefit from the current Syrian chaos in Syria. Only the chosen few and those with linkages to the executives and the rest of the population will have to pay for the current destruction to the Syrian economy through heavy taxes and other duties. Why then take nine months to create a monster that will burden the nation with nothing to show for it.
Who ever thinks that bad things will remain in place is a liar Syrians must understand the country they are destroying is theirs, the leaders they are fighting are theirs, the people that they are all killing are theirs in essence nothing good is coming from all this mayhem. The earlier Syrian nation sees sense in making peace the better for their country and their friends. There is no perfect leader in this world even those that claim to promote democracy they have the blood of innocent people from other countries. These leaders emerge better as they do not engage in any effort to kill their own people.
We have heard that is enough but continued street presence does show that you are any different to those you are fighting. The demonstrators and those that they are fighting are all the same why them waste those energy when there nothing better coming out your effort. Look at Iraq, Egypt and those you may want to use as examples of the success of public protests nothing good came out of it. Libyans will soon realise that by killing Muamur Gaddafi they made a big mistake when their exploiters start reaping the benefit of their ignorance and effort.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011


They authorise the manufacture, selling and also buy guns for Rebel groups to terrorise their governments. When all harm is done they refuse to help the victims without subjecting to degrading treatment. The world heads of state gathers to ban the use of cluster bombs but authorise their manufacturing and selling to countries in war and other conflicts. Does the actions of our developed countries constitute democracy? Sponsoring rebels to topple governments that have been in existence over long periods of time? Where do Asylum Seekers fit in the mix of things where power if the reason why they have to leave their countries in search sanctuary in countries where they are not welcome.
The would would be a better world if those countries that perceive themselves as the most powerful would stop double standards and limit their sponsorship of rebels. The preachers of the world democracy are the very leaders responsible for the world suffering and deaths through war. Where is the right of those victimised by these powerful countries?
There was clear evidence that the war in Iraq was illegal and many innocent people were killed and injured what action was taken to those responsible? How fair is it to punish those from powerless countries when they commit similar acts of official terrorism against sitting governments? The Asylum population from disturbed world communities is abused and in some cases subjected to acts of Xenophobia with little sanction from those responsible. What has aour world come to? We need to focus inside ourselves and seek the right to remove from power all Prime Ministers who authorises war when the claim their countries are in debt. The same for Presidents that authorise war when they are proclaiming that they are the custodians of democracy. It is a shame that most of these Prime Ministers and Presidents are not acknowledging that the reason they authorises war is that they want their friends and relatives who have invested in the arms industry have to make money out the blood of innocent people and government leaders of weaker countries. This is the reason why in the United Nations we have a group of countries that are more equal than the rest. This is the group who governments want to earn money from the military industry and blood of the world's poor nations.
Asylum Seekers are a by-product of world cruelty against poor nations and all as a result that rich nations want to make money out of war.

We should Unite against the Manufacturing of Arms of war if the world is going to gain the peace it deserves,   

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Imagine after resources are put in process that will in the end result in a positive results for those that claim the right to protection in many parts of the world those in charge still do not see the reason be be rational in dealing with Asylum Seekers. There many ways of getting the chaff out of the material stuff in every process. The systems used to screen Asylum Seekers needs to be revamped and be oriented towards saving the resources of the countries hosting such people as well as not traumatising those the system is meant to assist. Unless this system is fraught with other hidden agenda there is no reason why there should be visible transparency in the manner things are done. It should nit be difficult to understand the objectives of an arm of government if it is meant to produce results that are intended to benefit the beneficiaries. There has been evidence that many countries whether Asian, European, or African are not prepared to host and treat Asylum Seekers without subjecting the to some form grueling process that sometimes create more problems than the intended objectives achieved in a process that is administered in a humanly fashion.
Many people could have in the end of prolonged struggle have benefited from the help legal advice and opportunities extended to them in order to justify their claims but the process has in general terms broken beneficiaries spirit, physical health and mental sanity. It is common practice that the people in these unfortunate circumstances have in some cased ended up committing heinous crimes and all sorts of anti-social behaviours not as their choice. Authorities have capitalised on these behavioural failures and use them to demonise Asylum Seekers as people bring misfortunes and miseries to their hosts.
War, poverty, many other social injustices are products of capitalist orientation and the desire to political manipulate others in order to exploit their natural resources. In the process of the evil acts of trying to loot national resources of others countries many innocent people are disrupted their lives, killed, injured and many others rendered destitute. Human cruelty has made this world totally inhabitable as people are running from wars that are not of their making. Victims of abuse need justice from all level headed administrations in the world.
Asylum Seekers need to be treated with the human hand that would make desire to reciprocate the act of hosting others in their countries in the event of swapped roles of conflict.
One good turn deserves another should be what we all urge people to practice and remain relevant to the humanly cause.
It is amazing the capitalist world refuse to contribute significant amounts of money towards hunger projects throughout the world. and are quick to pour billions of dollars in wars that create a lot of suffering. The international Peace conferences help by these countries are not genuine and simply routine cheating platforms that they want the world to perceive them as democrats. It is quite annoying to know that the Eastern block that the West goes on the demonise has not done evil war sponsorship apart from their funding wars of country liberation. Most wars that has destabilised the world have been led by the West and used a creation of wealth and employment opportunities for their people.
The Western countries are the same countries who are tough with Asylum Seekers. The Western capitals do not make it easy to accommodate the Asylum Seekers they are responsible are destroying their lives through unjust wars waged on the pretext of democracy. Stop the rot of starting wars and manufacturing of weapons that are causing the world so much pain and suffering.
Work to stop the manufacture of weapons in your area.