Sunday, 14 August 2011


Little sense comes from the people that labels victims of violence, persecution and abuse coming from the world's hot spots dispersed by war and human rights abuses as Failed Asylum Seekers. We all understand that there are fake Asylum Seeking people who could have abused the Asylum system just as the UK's MP involved in the expenses scandal, but does that imply that the majority of MPs are fraudsters? The answer is obviously NO! the same scenario apply to many unfortunate Asylum Seekers that have applied for Asylum and unfairly get denied the right to protection. Do all thess countries' leadership believe in GOD? Like many other countries that have refused to respect the human rights protocols that they preach without absolute practice. There is a lot of pain caused by many administrations in the world that claim to be custodians of human rights. Asylum Seekers are being unfairly treated by the different administrations in the world, are people that deserve the same human rights being preached for justification for the current war zones like Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan to name a few.
Why are other nationalities committing millions of dollars worth of bombs dropping in third world countries. Asylum Seekers in the Europe and other parts of the world are not getting the same level of financial support.What is behind the wars that are being fought in the above countries? Do Asylum Seekers have any human rights as people in the countries where wars are being fought?
What is the difference in the poeple on European Land and shores crying for protection and in those countries where wars are raging for the protection of civillians?
These question will never be answered as the motive behind these wars does not necessariy hang on human rights! The re-colonisation of the lost territorial influence could be coming back but with a tacit approval of the world's United Nations. We hate the creation of conditions that cause people to flee their countries and host countries refusing protection to those from zones of strife.
Why are we discussing issues of world conflicts?
Our aim is to raise the consciousness among those that are promoting and supporting the start of wars but not taking respeonsibility for the fall out. War displaces people from their countries and condemns people into exile. Most Asylum Seekers are treated with contempt and disrespect in most host countries whether African, Asian, European or American. Asylum Seekers are people treated with disrespect constantly exposed to all forms of abuse with the subtle approval of sitting governments.
Asylum Seekers are subjected to conditions of not being allowed to work, free movement or take care of their lives through formal constructive engagement.
What makes a normal person see other people being destitute and find sleep?
If people are not allowed to work and earn what are they supposed to do?
Some immigration laws proudly implememnted by educated and civilised people are are very primitive depict a clear sign of the Devil working in many respectable minds. Whilst in other parts of the world people are being forced to work, it baffles the mind! Individuals are subjected to long periods of destitution and many Asy;um Seekers end up committing suicide. It is not surprising such unfortunate Asylum Seekers and Refugees bring smiles to the lives of most evil policy makers. Civilised governments are subjecting people to inhuman treatment when they claim to be up -holders of justice, peace and human rights. The world's evil is growing bigger as lawmakers are no longer respecting the lives of people running from life threatening war situations. Many world politicians are responsible for the causes of war through their failed political decisions.

Are voters empowering Members of Parliament and Ministers to make decisions directed at hurting other human beings?
Voters in many countries in the world are used as the source of legitimacy to get into powerful political positions. The different Home Offices in the world are being offered to those political candidates that are believed to be with the ability to excercise cruelty and brutality without hesitation. All the power to abuse office is claimed to come from the voters and hence politicians keep claiming they authorise wars on the strength of voters, who certainly suffer the direct consequenses of budgets for wars that will deprive them basic essentials.
Asylum Seekers are accused of all evils and their greratest sin is having opted to go into a country that does not want them.
This is what the human species should remember "No one is a failure, but the people are failed by the system that administers justice. Peace is hated by those seem to believe other people's lives are not important than their "fat bank accounts".
The media in many countries is helping evil doers in powerful political positions to advance their evil by pedling lies and creating tension where peace is supposed to rein.
The money spend on wars around the world is more than what is required to create peace around the world. The events of war and all forms of injustice are all clear and deliberate appetite for conflict. The world now understands that power is vested in evil minds and most national leadership can turn against peaceful nations and people.
As long the world promote injustice, discrimination, punishment of innocent people who choose their shores for protection the world is heading in to pandemonium.
For those that believe in God time for judgement will come when all will account for their actions.
Asylum Seekers deserve better treatment. Victims of such abuses should not spend ten years waiting for conclusion of their Asylum applications when concurrently denied the right to work.
Refusing Asylum Seekers the right to work in on its own evil and criminal. Although the policy makers take pleasure in inducing suffering to other human beings their acts are derogatory. These policy makers are committing the same crime as those looters who burnt the businessess and other community properties in many parts of the world including the recent UK. riots.
Those responsible for suffering of other human beings are equally subject to judgement by the Devine Powers of this Planet.