Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Whatever the reasons behind the Middle East politics, the chaos in Syria has taken longer the natural ability of the Syrian people to protest. Who ever and whatever is behind the citizens' energy should be addressed by the Syrian people and not through senseless protest where civilians start using arms to fight their government. It clear that if the civilians think by trying and engaging in violent protests the government will curve in to their sinister demands becomes a matter of life and death for both parties.
It is incorrect to seek peace using the gun and it has been seen through out the world that no amount of violent can end without coming to the table. The current levels of violent will simply take its toll on Syrian people. If the aim of the nation of Syria is to self destruct then they will manage this without any hand from the foreign countries. Both government and civilians should have learnt from what has happened in many countries. Egypt has not achieved anything since the departure of Hosni Mubarak and Iraqi has not been peaceful compared to what it was when Saddam was in power.
Which of these two devils is the right one?
The former is the only answer to the stability of all these countries. Trying to using foreign influence to change regimes is never going to benefit these nations. There are always better methods to settle disputes than resorting to damaging own infrastructure when you do not have the resources to rebuilt them. It is always sensible to seek peace through peaceful means and electoral process. Fighting in the streets is simply going to consume the nation's resources whiles weakening your countries for foreign enemies to come and finish you all off. People with or without power must learn to positively engage and come out with non violent means of conflict resolution.
Out of all the commotion Syria is sending it people creating a huge wave of Asylum Seekers who will live in foreign countries where they are going to be abused and exploited. All the hardships that come out of the hate among the same people does not benefit any one but only serves to reward the enemies of a nation. The plight that plagues the Asylum population is sad and should never be allowed to continues especially when we have the opportunity to sit on the table ans seek peaceful means of the resolution of national differences.
There are very people that are going to benefit from the current Syrian chaos in Syria. Only the chosen few and those with linkages to the executives and the rest of the population will have to pay for the current destruction to the Syrian economy through heavy taxes and other duties. Why then take nine months to create a monster that will burden the nation with nothing to show for it.
Who ever thinks that bad things will remain in place is a liar Syrians must understand the country they are destroying is theirs, the leaders they are fighting are theirs, the people that they are all killing are theirs in essence nothing good is coming from all this mayhem. The earlier Syrian nation sees sense in making peace the better for their country and their friends. There is no perfect leader in this world even those that claim to promote democracy they have the blood of innocent people from other countries. These leaders emerge better as they do not engage in any effort to kill their own people.
We have heard that is enough but continued street presence does show that you are any different to those you are fighting. The demonstrators and those that they are fighting are all the same why them waste those energy when there nothing better coming out your effort. Look at Iraq, Egypt and those you may want to use as examples of the success of public protests nothing good came out of it. Libyans will soon realise that by killing Muamur Gaddafi they made a big mistake when their exploiters start reaping the benefit of their ignorance and effort.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011


They authorise the manufacture, selling and also buy guns for Rebel groups to terrorise their governments. When all harm is done they refuse to help the victims without subjecting to degrading treatment. The world heads of state gathers to ban the use of cluster bombs but authorise their manufacturing and selling to countries in war and other conflicts. Does the actions of our developed countries constitute democracy? Sponsoring rebels to topple governments that have been in existence over long periods of time? Where do Asylum Seekers fit in the mix of things where power if the reason why they have to leave their countries in search sanctuary in countries where they are not welcome.
The would would be a better world if those countries that perceive themselves as the most powerful would stop double standards and limit their sponsorship of rebels. The preachers of the world democracy are the very leaders responsible for the world suffering and deaths through war. Where is the right of those victimised by these powerful countries?
There was clear evidence that the war in Iraq was illegal and many innocent people were killed and injured what action was taken to those responsible? How fair is it to punish those from powerless countries when they commit similar acts of official terrorism against sitting governments? The Asylum population from disturbed world communities is abused and in some cases subjected to acts of Xenophobia with little sanction from those responsible. What has aour world come to? We need to focus inside ourselves and seek the right to remove from power all Prime Ministers who authorises war when the claim their countries are in debt. The same for Presidents that authorise war when they are proclaiming that they are the custodians of democracy. It is a shame that most of these Prime Ministers and Presidents are not acknowledging that the reason they authorises war is that they want their friends and relatives who have invested in the arms industry have to make money out the blood of innocent people and government leaders of weaker countries. This is the reason why in the United Nations we have a group of countries that are more equal than the rest. This is the group who governments want to earn money from the military industry and blood of the world's poor nations.
Asylum Seekers are a by-product of world cruelty against poor nations and all as a result that rich nations want to make money out of war.

We should Unite against the Manufacturing of Arms of war if the world is going to gain the peace it deserves,   

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Imagine after resources are put in process that will in the end result in a positive results for those that claim the right to protection in many parts of the world those in charge still do not see the reason be be rational in dealing with Asylum Seekers. There many ways of getting the chaff out of the material stuff in every process. The systems used to screen Asylum Seekers needs to be revamped and be oriented towards saving the resources of the countries hosting such people as well as not traumatising those the system is meant to assist. Unless this system is fraught with other hidden agenda there is no reason why there should be visible transparency in the manner things are done. It should nit be difficult to understand the objectives of an arm of government if it is meant to produce results that are intended to benefit the beneficiaries. There has been evidence that many countries whether Asian, European, or African are not prepared to host and treat Asylum Seekers without subjecting the to some form grueling process that sometimes create more problems than the intended objectives achieved in a process that is administered in a humanly fashion.
Many people could have in the end of prolonged struggle have benefited from the help legal advice and opportunities extended to them in order to justify their claims but the process has in general terms broken beneficiaries spirit, physical health and mental sanity. It is common practice that the people in these unfortunate circumstances have in some cased ended up committing heinous crimes and all sorts of anti-social behaviours not as their choice. Authorities have capitalised on these behavioural failures and use them to demonise Asylum Seekers as people bring misfortunes and miseries to their hosts.
War, poverty, many other social injustices are products of capitalist orientation and the desire to political manipulate others in order to exploit their natural resources. In the process of the evil acts of trying to loot national resources of others countries many innocent people are disrupted their lives, killed, injured and many others rendered destitute. Human cruelty has made this world totally inhabitable as people are running from wars that are not of their making. Victims of abuse need justice from all level headed administrations in the world.
Asylum Seekers need to be treated with the human hand that would make desire to reciprocate the act of hosting others in their countries in the event of swapped roles of conflict.
One good turn deserves another should be what we all urge people to practice and remain relevant to the humanly cause.
It is amazing the capitalist world refuse to contribute significant amounts of money towards hunger projects throughout the world. and are quick to pour billions of dollars in wars that create a lot of suffering. The international Peace conferences help by these countries are not genuine and simply routine cheating platforms that they want the world to perceive them as democrats. It is quite annoying to know that the Eastern block that the West goes on the demonise has not done evil war sponsorship apart from their funding wars of country liberation. Most wars that has destabilised the world have been led by the West and used a creation of wealth and employment opportunities for their people.
The Western countries are the same countries who are tough with Asylum Seekers. The Western capitals do not make it easy to accommodate the Asylum Seekers they are responsible are destroying their lives through unjust wars waged on the pretext of democracy. Stop the rot of starting wars and manufacturing of weapons that are causing the world so much pain and suffering.
Work to stop the manufacture of weapons in your area.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


The issues of military development, procurement and sponsorship of foreign allies engaged in unjust wars against their government throughout the world remains a hot potato to handle and discuss. Sponsorship of wars tends to hang on the immoral practice of those in government who are using their powers to facilitate the business of arms industries. The elite, millionaires of most developed nations, their peers and families have heavily invested in the arms industry. The return on their investments justifies the sponsorship of wars and banditry activities in many unfortunate countries with natural resources to pay back after the deliberate regime changes. Every foreign government that accepts military help from the countries that purport to support their democratic sentiments, ends up mortgaging their countries’ future as well as natural resources. The countries that solicit foreign military help have to sign long contracts riddled with unhealthy conditions that deprive the national growth of their economies and independence. Alliances have been formed for the wrong reasons and for the purpose of depriving the innocent people in unfortunate countries opportunities to appreciate life from both sides of politics. The worst by product of oppression and injustice on Asylum Seekers and refugees is that they are not only facing persecution in their countries and also find themselves in situations that are far worse than what they ran away from. The “KILLING ME SOFTLY” approach that consumes Asylum Seekers and refugees from the open prison conditions has a devastating effect in the overall person moulded by these systems. The situation of making the Life of Asylum Seeker’ lives uncomfortable is to officially try to inherently force those in the Asylum  application programme to reverse their Asylum claim and return to the hot spots of war, murder torture, rape and many other social injustices.
Whiles the solutions to these problems are simple and affordable the host countries would rather promote the occurrence of wars and deny assisting those that come from countries that they destabilise. The motive of making money out of other human suffering has remained the darkest motive plunging the whole world into turmoil.
Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom and International ask for all the Home Offices in the world to exercise justice in their daily operations and provide fair working procedures and enabling conditions during the processing of Asylum applications. It is crime against humanity to hold Asylum Seekers applicants lives in limbo just to wear them out of physical and mental competence in order to push them to the sidelines of the society. Resources have been committed to sustaining programmes that serves to degrade other human beings to the gratification of a few misguided politicians enjoying the abuse of power against weak and vulnerable people.
 We will always share the frustrations faced by many Asylum Seekers throughout the world suffering from being treated as second class human beings. It is not an exaggeration to that many Asylum Seekers applicants have gone through tormenting situations at the hands of officials exercising government authority policies in their course of duty.
All those affected by the negative energy manifesting in those abusing government power and authority, try to work hard and desist from the list below:
a.     Do not get tired or dismiss any options available to you that offer you the opportunity to find justice.
b.     Do not feel lazy to attend educational meetings and training workshops that are offered by many charitable organisations around where you stay.
c.     Take the bad experiences as the time of Satan to try and remove you from God face this is for those that believe in God (others that have alternative sources of beliefs and faith pursue those paths)
d.     Strive to seek help rather resort to drug, alcohol abuse or any other anti-social behaviour that brings animosity, shame and ridicule within the communities that we live in.
e.     Obtaining criminal records will always marginalise your opportunities of attaining respect and other life enhancing opportunities.
f.      Asylum Seekers, refugees and immigrants should always understand how easier it is to discriminate you so act sensibly at all times.
g.     Do not commit crimes at all times.

h.     Reason should always guide our actions and it not good to blame others when we do not examine and understand our won short comings.

There are many points to remember:-
1.     The world will always be in the hands of politicians and the motive of pursuing profit at the expense of justice and fairness will always drive the world.
2.     That is why Minerals like oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt and many other natural resources have become a curse to host countries.
3.     The powers that provide the means of exploiting such minerals will not observe humanity as guiding principle in their conduct of business. It is clear from this perspective that we are going to live with the Devil and we will suffer the miseries that the devil wants to unleash on us.   
Asylum Seekers, refugees and immigrants desist from committing all forms of crime for the reasons for you to suffer all forms of discrimination are natural rather than artificial.

Avoid arming your natural enemies at all costs. It is already proven it is easier to hate than love. 


Knowing the system of the country that you are living in should awaken many ethnic minority groups and attempt to instil a culture of compliance with the host country’s values and traditions. We in Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom and International would like to urge our members to understand that all the behaviours that are not conforming and beneficial to the society that we live in will bear conflict with our hosts. It is the reasonable human conduct and behaviour that we should always be respectful of our hosts if we are to remain welcome visitors in most countries and situations whether they be at family, group or national level. It is also the responsibility of our host nations to understand that any hostile behaviour towards a vulnerable visitor can equally yield its own consequences. We have heard on many occasions ethnic minority people confessing to different conspiracies they believe and think were deliberately designed to push them into destitution with the motive of making Asylum Seekers and refugees fall into committing crimes of all nature. It is common knowledge in parts of the world that crime does not pay but it gets sad when authorities through arms of government get people to situations that leave them with no option but take criminal paths in order to sustain life. It is from this perspective that we expect all Asylum Seekers and refugees to always treat their lives as worth living and respecting. The option of giving ourselves the best options out of the opportunities within brutal conditions many of the Asylum Seeker population are facing should work to be good reasons to gain new forms of constructive awareness. There is no form of help in this world that inflicts injury and further suffering on those it is meant to save and benefit. The assistance given to Asylum Seekers and refugees throughout the world should never have the motive of degrading or render beneficiaries feel deprived and neglected. It is the human aspect and qualities of all deprived people that they expect their rights and freedom enshrined in all human beings to be respected.
The entrenchment of bad practice in most Asylum Application and processing government departments is always political and riddled with hate, racism and many other latent brutal motives that can only be seen when one has the opportunity to scrutinise the intentions of those operating behind the scenes. The Asylum Seekers are one unfortunate group treated by the media and authorities as people that have declared a war against what is politically termed “soft spots”. The authorities and politicians of host countries in many cases tend to treat Asylum Seekers and refugees like criminals or prisoners fuelling xenophobic attitudes among their citizens. Asylum Seekers and refugee immigrants have been made the scapegoats and sources of misfortune that beset the economies and other sectors of the host nations. The hate within individuals in power and positions of influence in and outside government has created opportunities for the practice of all forms of discrimination whenever and where ever the opportunity calls for such brutal practice.
Confessions from some host nation’s citizens have listed the areas to which all Asylum Seekers and refugees are perceived to be the dark horses of the national economic failures of their countries:-
Ø  The notion that Asylum Seekers and refugees get priority treatment in housing.
Ø  The belief that Asylum Seekers and refugees are in most countries to claim free benefits.
Ø  The Asylum Seekers are a bunch of lazy people coming here for opportunities of better life whiles plundering the benefits that host countries grant them.
Ø  The Asylum Seekers and refugees take most employment opportunities at wage rates that are very low pushing the indigenous population out of the way of most employers.
Ø  The Asylum Seekers and refugees go into target countries to benefit from the competent medical facilities the host countries provide.
Ø  The Asylum Seekers and Refugees find host countries “soft targets” for economic migration.

The same segregators practice unfairness at all times and places where such practice cannot easily be detected. There has been evidence in the daily malpractice of social justice and policing in most institutions that practices institutionalise racism. The victims of all forms of injustice have been ethnic minority people with or without status, language incompetence. The challenge of competing with the indigenous population for the scarce opportunity available in most failing economies has been the most visible wound that fuel racial tension. The real issues that are affecting the performance of developed world economies will never be discussed publicly as these tend to benefit those that promote war for purposes of fattening their bank accounts. The debates on issues of Asylum and refugees are always swept under the carpet as there is no energy and motive to serve these groups with the human dignity they deserve justice has to be sweated for through lawyers at great cost to both parties.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Whiles politicians find the pleasure and sanity to authorise wars in many countries, there has never been effort to try and address the needs and welfare of those affected by the wars that they sponsor and promote. It is a shame that there are many issues that border on the abuse of Asylum Seekers and Refugees. Innocent people caught up in the Asylum and Refugee situation around the world are shocked by the level of unwelcome shown by the host countries governments’ Home Office. The Home Office departments of all countries who are supposed to empathise and protect victims of war and many other forms of social injustice are in some cases turning into torturers and take action that brutalises Asylum Seekers and Refugees. The common developmental phenomenon is about turning the world into place for peace loving people. It is very unfortunate that whiles there is greater effort in trying to make the world a Global Village Asylum Seekers and Refugees, especially those that are unfortunate and unable to act quickly according to established protocols find themselves criminalised and labelled liars. What authorities are not aware of is that not all people are competent to deal with issues that required knowledge of the Asylum functions. The unfortunate cases of failing to act within the limits of time and the known and established procedures of Asylum Application is used as a defence and pillar of denying justice to many who deserve it. The spirit of compassion and understanding is no longer found in many Home Office authorities who in some cases seem to be ready and glad to condemn unfortunate people to circumstances that vanquish them. We do not have any problem with authorities treating criminals with contempt, but it has become common occurrence that most criminals end up getting the VIP treatment denied to those that are innocent and holding a clean record. It is true that the victims of injustice application of authority find themselves thrown into destitution and survive on the mercy of Charities that struggling to find the resources to offer appropriate help.
The abuse experienced by unfortunate Asylum Seekers serves to radicalise them and develop the hate of those that abuse them creating future problems that end back firing on innocent citizens of host countries. Many people that have experienced the abuses in the Asylum System develop a higher appetite to take revenge when that opportunity provides itself. The unfortunate circumstances are those that end up being caught are mere private people who have nothing to with the failures of the host countries administration.
Governments should always strive to protect people not to try and victimise people subjecting them to mental physical torture and Spiritual torment. The level of cruelty experienced by Asylum Seekers is quite shameful and not congruent with the times we are living in. It is not clear whether the cruelty is perpetrated at the request of companies that want to sell and make experiments with their drugs in treating depression and other mental health problems. There different problems that the Home Office passes on to the departments of Health and Police in dealing with the off shoots of the ill-treatment of Asylum Seekers. There are very sad developments amounting to human rights abuses are occurring in countries that unceasingly preach democracy to various world forums. It is not a dream to say many people have died in foreign land fighting war in the name of democracy which is not universally applicable in countries they come from. Parents have experienced the sacrifice of their sons and daughters on claims of fighting wars for democracy that the host countries deny Asylum Seekers and Refugees within their borders.
Political doubles standards are all over the world and Home Office authorities manipulating the misfortunes of Asylum Seekers as circumstances to compile statistics for use in political campaign. The trend of demonising Asylum Seekers and Refugees has been a subject the media found sellable disrespecting the promotion of violence that comes out it. The media has used Asylum Seeker plight misfortunes and criminal behaviours as profits making topics. The media has never looked deeper into the inhuman conditions and stigmatising living environments. The one example of Asylum Seekers houses having their doors painted (red) to distinguish them from other community members in the society. The damage inflicted among the Asylum Seekers and Refugees is so huge that it is a shame that authorities continue to pretend that there is nothing happening under their nose. The living conditions tend to radicalise those affected to hate their hosts and look forward to the opportunity and time to take revenge.
Those caught up in these circumstances should not shy away from fighting the devil by all means possible DASUK INTERNATIONAL advocates dialogue. It is our belief that God gave every human being the right to life. We now know that some human beings have assumed the thought that through the authority vested in them it is their function to deprive other human beings the right to lead a normal life. The immaterial unfortunate belief that some human species think they are better than others has failed a minority group of small brained minds who cannot understand the right of Asylum Seekers and Refugees. We urge stand up where ever you are and speak your feelings without the fear an office that is paid by Tax payers. It is the mean minded men and women who are quick decide to destroy lives they never played a part in bringing to earth. It is only cruel people that can derive pleasure in seeing other human beings suffering.
The devil is a liar. Everyone has the right to family life, work, health, recreation, socialising, education and worship.


The mixed misfortunes confronting Asylum Seekers all over the world are not guess work, they are not biased opinions, of bitter elements within these unfortunate people. We say things and issues that are facing majority of all people displaced by greedy wars and abusive governments. It is not falsehoods to say many host governments' Home Office departments has waged wars of defiance and used unethical methods of intimidation and frustrating victims of war, abuse and torture.
There is evidence of all sorts of torments experienced by Asylum Seekers and in other cases after acquiring Refugee status the bad experiences do not end. It is not that these experiences are only prevalent or confronted in Western capitals but in all countries that have hosted Asylum Seekers. There is no geographical limitation to the suffering of the victims of dictatorships and other exploitative expeditions. Different countries and their Home Offices have produced mixed fortunes for applicants whom in many cases are simply deserving people. We fail to understand the logic of offering oppressive regimes financial Aid but fail to take care of the victims of the struggles that are in many cases attributed to foreign interventionism. Home Offices have in many cased treated Asylum Seeking people as criminals when they are victims of misrule and other social abuses.
Education and knowledge of political dynamics in the different regions of the world have not helped the many government policy makers and their political masters. Double standards have been the characteristic of the nature of justice they purport to offer. The majority of the stalwarts of democracy have emerged to be the worst  in failing to send the correct message to smaller countries which now also feel it is the order of the day to play double standards.
DASUK INTERNATIONAL strives to communicate the truth of the failings of all governments systems dealing with Asylum Applicants across the globe without fear or prejudice. We will work and cooperate with authorities that seek to enhance the lives of all displaced people seeking Asylum. Our leadership is prepared to speak and share the experiences that are on the ground and affecting the unfortunate groups of Asylum Seekers and Refugees. We promote justice through presenting ourselves to those that are willing to listen to Asylum Seekers and Refugees' daily plight in foreign land.
DASUK INTERNATIONAL believes that all Asylum and Refugee host countries can do better if the authorities can depart from promoting politics of hate.
None of these people affected by the political and social displacements are signatory to the wars and other social chaos that destroys their families and lives. The same beneficiaries of the ordinary grassroots vote are the ones that emerge with policies and conditions that are meant to park innocent people's in a vicious circle for periods ranging from one to 10 years without allowing self reliance and sustenance. It is a shame that civilisation and education, professionalism has not helped to influence the human mind's treatment of others.
We still say if there is Democracy in this world then let the truth be said. The truth of the malpractices inherent in many Home Offices dealing with Asylum Applicants will only hurt evil minds and those who have the appetite to promote tribal, race, ethnic and religious hate.
For "believers in humanity" it is a case of the Devil coming in different shapes and sizes. It is only on this earth that people should live without fear and abuse from others or authorities. What right has any minister to destroy the lives of fathers, mothers and children that are running away with their lives.
Why is it necessary to have department that tortures displaced people if any reasonable mind is to be put to test?

We will speak for those that have not been treated with justice where it is claimed to exist.

Saturday, 10 September 2011


The recent death of a Zimbabwean who threw himself in front of a coming train in the UK is a clear sign of how Asylum Systems are failing to protect vulnerable people. The death through suicide gives authorities the opportunity to tarnish the image of Asylum Seekers that commit suicide as they find it easier to exonerate themselves from the evil that plagues the Asylum programme in many Western Capitals. It the pangs inflicted on many vulnerable Asylum Seekers and Refugees that has made it possible for the minority that kill themselves.
Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom and International (DASUK & I,) urges Asylum Seekers and refugees in the world over never to engage in acts of suicide. This is why our organisation and many other charities are there to support you and many others to understand that "Failed Asylum Seeker" is a label by the British Media and all the politicians who are filled with hate for minority groups in the country. There is nothing "Failed" by a person who specifically seeksgenuine help from torture, abuse and death. These Racially motivated media journalists and the different politicians waging secret wars against the minority groups. The same hate filled groups are responsible for radicalising certain groups from different communities to engage in wars with the Western world. It is very sad that when the Western world is engaged in any acts of cruelty or evil acts around the world, that has to be defined as an act of "Democracy." When other minority groups do the same actions against them, they are portrayed as "Terrorists." We need to liberate our minds and understand that loads of the media news is written by journalist who are there to demonise everyone who is not their kind. The politicians are the ones responsible for the Racial hatred that affects many communities in the UK and many other parts of the Western world. The world is being subjected to abuse when expected to respect countries that do not respect many humanity issues they preach and not practice in their on borders.
Any Asylum Seeker killing himself / herself is depriving his family a father/ mother or whatever relationship that looked at you as a moral supporter. Authorities that administer the Asylum programme take joy in the death of such people as it removes and reduces the queue of the undesirable kind in the Western shores. The Green Party Politician in the UK outlined that the recent UK riots are a responsibility of the British politicians who are not prepared to accept and take responsibility of failing the society that they lead. Killing oneself is never going to solve the problem of official hate that is prevalent in the Western system.
Like what is happening in Libya we are made to believe that it is the rebels that are fighting Gaddafi yet the truth is that the USA, Canada, United kingdom, France, Italy, Qatar and many EU countries who are fighting the war in Libya. The people are aware of all the wrongs that the Western world. Most powerless countries do not support the aggression we witness Asylum Seekers hate every event that creates more suffering of innocent people for the benefit of a few. Inability and silence does not mean being ignorant.
Asylum Seekers throughout the world must remain strong and have the knowledge that, for every evil act has its day of facing justice. The injustice in the Asylum is clear for all to see. No bad situation remains in place forever. Many in the Asylum population are one day going to be leaders in many countries they come from they will definitely have the memories of their lives in the Western Cities. The act of killing oneself does not reflect the innocence that characterise every Asylum Seeker. There is so much evil that is going on but let it be for those responsible are just like the Dictators who are awaiting the day for majority taking action to liberate themselves.
We are there to support each other as we have all gained the knowledge that there are some people whose blood deserves protection and other blood is only good for spilling. Dasuk International seeks to educate many Asylum Seekers and refugee to understand that they are in a world where they may never get the recognition they think they deserve.
Seek life where ever you are, desist from committing crime as such acts get to confirm the negativity painted on minority groups. Failed moral conduct arms the Western authorities to morally perceive as correct to inherently discriminate the minority groups. The society we live in does understand the evil within those responsible for the Asylum programme. There is very little ordinary people can do to change the cruel events and practices in the Asylum system that is supposed to be promoting civilised integration. We should also pray for those that supported Col. Gaddafi whose choice has been refused because of their position of denying the West the right to loot Libyan Oil.
There is no "democracy" as preached by these rich prophets of doom. There is a clear motivation to exploit those they hate in the name of democracy. Asylum Seekers are never failures when they seek protection but victims of Racial hate officially endorsed in many Western Cities. There are many reasons to live one of them is to give haters an opportunity to find someone to torture, abuse and condemn to death. Everyone in the Asylum System know how much abuse and mental torment people go through just to see the day passing.
We are all human beings no matter how much we feel about other people we will all face the same fate. Death is the ultimate thing for human species hence no point to feel big because no one is. Cruelty can fool many but justice reigns at the end of time.
Asylum Seekers you are not failures but survivors keep your heads up.

Sunday, 14 August 2011


Little sense comes from the people that labels victims of violence, persecution and abuse coming from the world's hot spots dispersed by war and human rights abuses as Failed Asylum Seekers. We all understand that there are fake Asylum Seeking people who could have abused the Asylum system just as the UK's MP involved in the expenses scandal, but does that imply that the majority of MPs are fraudsters? The answer is obviously NO! the same scenario apply to many unfortunate Asylum Seekers that have applied for Asylum and unfairly get denied the right to protection. Do all thess countries' leadership believe in GOD? Like many other countries that have refused to respect the human rights protocols that they preach without absolute practice. There is a lot of pain caused by many administrations in the world that claim to be custodians of human rights. Asylum Seekers are being unfairly treated by the different administrations in the world, are people that deserve the same human rights being preached for justification for the current war zones like Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan to name a few.
Why are other nationalities committing millions of dollars worth of bombs dropping in third world countries. Asylum Seekers in the Europe and other parts of the world are not getting the same level of financial support.What is behind the wars that are being fought in the above countries? Do Asylum Seekers have any human rights as people in the countries where wars are being fought?
What is the difference in the poeple on European Land and shores crying for protection and in those countries where wars are raging for the protection of civillians?
These question will never be answered as the motive behind these wars does not necessariy hang on human rights! The re-colonisation of the lost territorial influence could be coming back but with a tacit approval of the world's United Nations. We hate the creation of conditions that cause people to flee their countries and host countries refusing protection to those from zones of strife.
Why are we discussing issues of world conflicts?
Our aim is to raise the consciousness among those that are promoting and supporting the start of wars but not taking respeonsibility for the fall out. War displaces people from their countries and condemns people into exile. Most Asylum Seekers are treated with contempt and disrespect in most host countries whether African, Asian, European or American. Asylum Seekers are people treated with disrespect constantly exposed to all forms of abuse with the subtle approval of sitting governments.
Asylum Seekers are subjected to conditions of not being allowed to work, free movement or take care of their lives through formal constructive engagement.
What makes a normal person see other people being destitute and find sleep?
If people are not allowed to work and earn what are they supposed to do?
Some immigration laws proudly implememnted by educated and civilised people are are very primitive depict a clear sign of the Devil working in many respectable minds. Whilst in other parts of the world people are being forced to work, it baffles the mind! Individuals are subjected to long periods of destitution and many Asy;um Seekers end up committing suicide. It is not surprising such unfortunate Asylum Seekers and Refugees bring smiles to the lives of most evil policy makers. Civilised governments are subjecting people to inhuman treatment when they claim to be up -holders of justice, peace and human rights. The world's evil is growing bigger as lawmakers are no longer respecting the lives of people running from life threatening war situations. Many world politicians are responsible for the causes of war through their failed political decisions.

Are voters empowering Members of Parliament and Ministers to make decisions directed at hurting other human beings?
Voters in many countries in the world are used as the source of legitimacy to get into powerful political positions. The different Home Offices in the world are being offered to those political candidates that are believed to be with the ability to excercise cruelty and brutality without hesitation. All the power to abuse office is claimed to come from the voters and hence politicians keep claiming they authorise wars on the strength of voters, who certainly suffer the direct consequenses of budgets for wars that will deprive them basic essentials.
Asylum Seekers are accused of all evils and their greratest sin is having opted to go into a country that does not want them.
This is what the human species should remember "No one is a failure, but the people are failed by the system that administers justice. Peace is hated by those seem to believe other people's lives are not important than their "fat bank accounts".
The media in many countries is helping evil doers in powerful political positions to advance their evil by pedling lies and creating tension where peace is supposed to rein.
The money spend on wars around the world is more than what is required to create peace around the world. The events of war and all forms of injustice are all clear and deliberate appetite for conflict. The world now understands that power is vested in evil minds and most national leadership can turn against peaceful nations and people.
As long the world promote injustice, discrimination, punishment of innocent people who choose their shores for protection the world is heading in to pandemonium.
For those that believe in God time for judgement will come when all will account for their actions.
Asylum Seekers deserve better treatment. Victims of such abuses should not spend ten years waiting for conclusion of their Asylum applications when concurrently denied the right to work.
Refusing Asylum Seekers the right to work in on its own evil and criminal. Although the policy makers take pleasure in inducing suffering to other human beings their acts are derogatory. These policy makers are committing the same crime as those looters who burnt the businessess and other community properties in many parts of the world including the recent UK. riots.
Those responsible for suffering of other human beings are equally subject to judgement by the Devine Powers of this Planet.

Monday, 25 July 2011


It has been a nightmare for many Refugees and Asylum Seekers as they wait for many years. It becomes a big challenge to find direction in many host countries after getting your status. It  also quite possible for many refugees to have lost their ability to positively contribute after their skills are put on hold owing to the "NO RIGHT TO WORK RULES".
After getting refugee status the many years of idleness, grinding poverty and degradation at the hands of systems managed by host authorities it becomes very difficult to confront the employers as the refugees lack everything that is asked for when one wants to be employed. Many of these host countries claim to be masters of human rights. Where and in which industry can you use the experience of "NOT BEING ALLOWED TO WORK" as a stepping stone to a job? When people seek Asylum you are not coming to get help to be reduced to nothing. Do we need redefine what it means to be an Asylum Seeker? It is sad to to know that the Asylum systems and programmes in many host countries seem to have been designed to punish rather than sympathise or assist the people coming from zones of conflict. There are those that are fortunate to be granted Refugee Status without going through the abusive route. The the question is how many Asylum Seekers that have been fortunate? Imagine competing for jobs with people that had the right to work and have been working when the Asylum Seeker was waiting for the transmutation into a refugee. The practice of getting their status after 1- 8 years or even more of not being allowed to work is the worst experience?  Many Asylum Seekers live in fear of everything around them owing the conditions placed on them by the departments in charge of their daily welfare. Many of the conditions are like those found in boarding schools with conditions where the "HEADMASTER's" teachers in charge and prefects come to check on you. To describe it with simple mindedness these are modern day Open prisons and torture camps built around communities in host countries that are looking after Asylum Seekers.
The term "FAILED ASYLUM SEEKER" is abusive, intolerant, arrogant and brutal to victims of rich nations' quest to domination of poor nations.
What kind of politicians are nations putting in office? Dictators in Africa and many other parts of the world are not alone in abusing power against the vulnerable. Many of the Democratic posturing institutions leading nations of the world are led by war advocates that believe there is democracy in torturing other human beings whiles sparing some. "The Rebels in Libya have more rights than those that support Gaddafi" this is just an example of how powerful nations view democracy. According to God we all believe every human being deserves justice alas!  life is not like that.
Asylum Seekers suffer all forms of abuse imagine, everyday living under a Notice that reads, "You are a person liable to detention and Removal".
It is time democracy should be experienced by everyone, everywhere in the world if we are to be respected as representatives of justice in the world. Our actions and deeds are an investments of what our nations will harvest in future. It is clear many people's experiences are that no evil goes unpunished no matter who it is that is behind the violence. It is time we all understand that seeking refugee is not a luxury. All humanitarin needs that should addressed with the positiveness possible.    
"You are no allowed to Work" or do anything that will bring meaning to your life and cause of being a human being. You are supposed eat, and do everything to the most minimum conditions the authorities feel happy to witness. All the conditions of Asylum stay are tailor made to make those involved realise, feel and know that they are unwanted in these host countries.
The politicians despite their institutions being responsible for the wars and chaos that brought Asylum Seekers to their shores are happy to see Asylum Seekers consumed by the flames of war they created.

The politics of seeking refugee has become dangerous to an extent it can destroy your physical and mental health.There are extreme cases of people that have died because they sought Asylum. It becomes a situation where one has to seek Asylum from an abusive Asylum system. BIG Brother politics is destroying the sanity of human beings as poor nations are continuously being viewed as the sources of natural resources and war zones to experiment the effectiveness on military inventions.
Refugees from war zones and Despot regimes are always forced to take the hardest routes in justifying their seeking protection.
What world are all nations creating when we see our pride grounded in pounding weak nations with bombs destroying infrastructure that we will use as an excuse to mortgage national wealth to justify rebuilding?


Let us come up with humanitarian solutions to problems confronting the world than investing in bombs and guns.
Asylum Seekers and Refugees are human beings who deserve to live without the label being stuck to their back, shoulders and heads.
Stop the madness of discrimination of starting unjustified conflicts and reduce Asylum Seeker problems in many countries.
It has been found easy to decimate the infrastructure of Libya with Bombs, guns and sophisticated planes than to go and feed the starving people of the Eastern African nations.
Who is fooling who with all this cruelty against humanity?

Monday, 11 July 2011


WE in Denied Asylum Seekers United Kingdom and International (DASUK INTERNATIONAL)

  • We have turned our organisation into an international force that works with people from all countries that are victim to political and other social injustice. 
  • Our goal is to serve all individuals afflicted by the injustices of rogue home governments and and other forces of darkness. 
  • We will serve the interests of all those affected by the negative energies of host governments where ever they are in the world.
  • We do not discriminate against race, ethnicity, faiths, colour, gender or disability. 
  • We will serve all humanity based on our beliefs of the right of all humanity to peacefully co-exist.
  • DASUK does campaign for  the total ban on manufacture of all forms of ammunition. 
  • We do not condone the sponsorship of Rebels by all foreign based governments or allies against a sovereign government.
  • We advocate for any change of power through the electoral systems that are monitored by neutral international observers.
  • We do not support any actions that lead to the displacement of people owing to foreign sponsored wars which are carrying a foreign democratic theme.

When evil manifests someone has to stop its spread.

You can help by raising your voice together with us.

Friday, 8 July 2011


When country declares people as Failed Asylum Seekers, what is the rationale of such talk and utterances? There has been a lot of political posturing by many politicians who are prepared to miss lead the world by preaching democracy which their governments do not practice. It has become a routine of government leaders spending Tax payer money having meetings that are only promoting War and further suffering of the citizens. Sadly it has been a habit of Big Brother politics promoting instability in the Third World restraint. Developed western capitals have waged wars that are not justified by events on the ground creating an international crisis of Asylum Seekers they are no prepared to host and support.
No country in the world has stood to reduce the suffering of Asylum seekers. Whiles host countries can afford to go and start further wars they have failed to  treat Asylum Seekers with the humanity they deserve. The United Kingdom is a country that should have led the world in a sanity lane. It is a shame that many minority groups and people who contributed to the success of the U.K. as colonies are now being given the back seat whiles the European Union that contributed nothing gets the be given the lion share of immigration favours. The discrimination of Minority groups that contribute to the growth and development of the present day Britain are generally rewarded by Wars and  Sanctions. There so much suffering in the Asylum population through the world but people are not given the chance top share their plight hence being kept on the "On Marks" running position for years. Many people's lives are keep on a waiting path where there is not light at the end of the tunnel.
A strategy to dis-enfranchise many Ethnic minority groups is being operates silent and no responsible authority sees  the evil they do to people that have used and exploited for years. Asylum Seekers are demonised in the media and are blamed for the sinking economies whiles those that start, and authorities the wars that distabilise their lives are smiling all the way to the banks to enjoy the fruits of their murder effort. The leadership in power they do not send their sons and daughters to the war front. Innocent young lives are perishing in the battles of disturbing people's way of live and peace. Asylum Seekers where ever in the world should never allow the torments targeted at them to destroy their sanity. Asylum Seekers should not reward the enemy and their tormentors by curving in to the designs of the evil teams that makes policies that are meant to cause harm. If you are an Asylum Obey the Divine Laws of God and disobey any humanly  laws that are designed to punish vulnerable people from backgrounds of war. War has never been a good way of solving problems and conflicts. Those that engage in acts of killing in the name of protecting human rights are in their own the worst enemies of true human rights.
Deceiving the world does not help anybody but only helps to understand who the real enemy of peace is. Grant all Asylum Seekers justice by doing what is right for the world to enjoy true democracy not democracy dictated by the BIG 8.

Friday, 10 June 2011


In countries where all technology is said to be readily available, it takes maximum of more than 10 years to process an Asylum Application. This can be very surprising to many other countries in third world countries that are generally associated with inefficiency and corruption. What really drives workers in a country reputed to be a 1st world to work in such a manner?
Not many will have the reason for such conduct. The truth rests in the unsaid words of discrimination and the desire to invest in hate, war rather than peace. Decisions to go and kill people through expensive aircraft technology and other munitions are taken with instant passion. When it comes to processing Asylum applications that determine the the freedom of human beings within these countries' borders it takes painstakingly years, endless court appearances and other tribunal hearings. The reason being it is easier to kill than make peace.
What kind of people are leading this world?
A recent movie, "X-MAN First Class" illustrated that the devil is at work in many minds especially those that may end up in positions of power and are driven by insantiable appetite to injure and kill innocent people where ever they are in the world. While Africa is coined the dark continent their accusers are busy designing and manufacturing munitions, bombs and aircraft that use precesion technology to decimate their infrustracture and people with the tacit approval of the organisation purpoted to represent the world.
Why after the League of Nations now the United Nations has some countries that decided to become another body outside or inside the United Nations?
What is the purpose of creating a group that goes on to make decisions of invading and bombing other countries when their leaders fail are not held to account? Who will take to court those leaders that have caused the death of many people in their blind folded quest for peace and democracy at the expense of death and destruction of life and infrustructure.
What drives that mind?
Business to these men and women is making money over the death of innocent people. Creating business out of destruction of social infructure. Taking other countries resources at very low prices or for free. Control of the world's production and markets to suit their conditions. The spirit of jealous not allowing other countries have the freedom of choice on what they can do with their resources. All the events are a clear manifestation of the devil in men and women that claim to uphold the candles of peace and democracy.
These countries' cruelty and brutality brings more Asylum Seekers to their shores flooding their countries in search of protection. With those fortunate getting granted the refugee status there are also those currently facing an endless tunnel of agony and mental health destruction. A well managed "KILL ME SOFTLY " approach to dealing with the unwanted minority groups in host countries
To most Big Power Leadership Death and Suffering of other human beings is money in their bank accounts. Who is really the Osama Bin Laden of this world? The Bullies or their Victims?

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Life for the Asylum Seeker has been Hell on earth. The institutions charged with the responsibility to facilitate the applications of Asylum Seekers have taken this task as an opportunity to flex their muscles. The situation of subjecting some Asylum Seekers to inhuman treatment has gone on in countries that include the UK and other countries and the practice remains unchallenged. The departments of government charged with this responsibility have taken this task with mixed fortunes. When others get their applications processed without much stress and humiliation others are subjected  to mental and physical torture.
The Asylum Seekers that are unfortunate are made to live in detention Centers. These places are simply there to reinforce the negative values the modern society is trying hard to eradicate. There has been a lot of radicalisation by the department that is supposed to fight all forms of unfairness. The plight of Asylum Seekers has not been appreciated by the officials that are responsible and believed to be the ones upholding the values of humanity. The Shameless politicians have taken the opportunity to use the Asylum situation and applicants an opportunity to conduct electoral campaigns based on the subject of immigration and Asylum. It is very sad that human rights abuses happen in countries that are number one in condemning many other Dictators in the global village.
Do as I say Not as I do.
There are loads of wrong practices and things that are being done to those unfortunately described as Failed Asylum Seekers. The group of people that has been marginalised for reasons known by those who are supposed to be helping them. Host countries that treat Asylum Seekers as the reasons behind the misfortunes of their countries. These are groups of elite individuals with numerous problems that are not defined and visible to the public. Individuals that are powerful and believe in the exploitation of other human beings.
Why would any rational person enjoy the suffering of other human beings?
The error of giving the function processing Asylum application to people who in their private lives have issues and grievances that are unresolved is another factor that contributes to the current prolonged practice of holding Asylum applicants in limbo. Aggrieved Asylum processing officers with private disgruntlements find solace in tormenting the innocent people running away from persecution. The through exercising cruelty on other human beings, the same old practices of human abuses are being carried out quietly with the media aiding in demonising innocent people.
Why would a rational Officer believe that by subjecting another person to years of waiting for feedback on an application would yield a positive result?
It is internal individual pain which is the drive causing people to desire to punish vulnerable individuals that need care actions taken in anticipation of satisfying individual appetite. Officers are being paid money monthly for making cruel decisions and enforcing ruthless regimes of habitation. There many people living in open prisons in the UK. There are loads of women, men and children that are living under the cloud of uncertainty for years owing to a system that is designed to torture quietly everyone they do not desire within their borders.
Civilisation has not touched the generation we live in because there is evidence of the practices of the Dark Ages lingering in our midst.
There people that are meant to be cruel and those that are meant to be abused, down trodden and subjected to all sorts dirty tricks by men and women elected to uphold human rights.

Friday, 3 June 2011


The weakness of docility enshrined in many Asylum Seekers is that many have allowed the abuses meted by the Home Office through the operations of the UKBA destroy the purpose they are to serve in their lives. It is also true that the UKBA has been just to some as well as failed others. We in DASUK & INTL. wish every affected Asylum Seeker would the need to contribute positively in all the communities that we are put by the Home Office UKBA. There is no product in being negative about the way we live. Every man and woman has the right to engage positively with the system that fails them.
Are you serving a purpose in the communities that you live in? It is constructive for many people who have been disenfranchised by politicians who at all times used the topic of immigration as a tool in garnering support in their political party campaigns. It is every individual Asylum Seekers' obligation to come out and speak about the things that are affecting your lives. Many Asylum Seekers have chosen to go down the destructive path owing to loss of faith and hope in the system that is designed to induce  them to going back to their countries of origin. What does this speak of the gurus of democracy? There is no democracy in this world apart from people enjoying speaking about the democray which they do not practice. Asylum Seekers tand up speak for yourself and let those causing you to loose the positive sense of humanity and sanity realise they are doing the wrong to the world. Asylum Seekers are not people seeking benefits from hosts countries as it is the opposite in their countries which most do not have the benefits culture. Asylum Seekers are people coming countries where life is only better and best for those that work hard.
Come out and speak about the unfair treatment without engaging in revenge behaviour, criminal activity or other forms of anti-social behaviour as these only serve to marginalise those minority groups that literally try to make meaning to life through positive integration.
If you want change work for it, Do not be a watcher of events but be a participator in the activities that bring about change.
Together we are stronger, Alone you go Mental.


Start by being fair to others if you believe you deserve justice and respect.
We have the obligation to speak on matters of all forms of racial, ethnic, religious abuse. It is also important to respect all the host countries. It our right to keep our cultural values, traditional beliefs and many of those qualities that makes us different fro other countries. All host countries have the right to promote and retain their identity without   being accused of exercising racism.
All immigrants should respect the beliefs of their host countries by not imposing foreign values, traditions and beliefs on their host nations. Nations should be at liberty to express their identity without the fear or prejudice  of being accused of racism.

Without religion the world is a safer place to live in. There is no religion that is better than the other. A religion is worse when it calls for the Choice of Death over life, this becomes inhuman, artificial and unwelcome to all peace loving world citizens.
Those that believe that their host countries are not doing enough to respect their beliefs and traditional values should also remember that they have the right to go back to their countries and enjoy to the fullest what they believe in. We should never engage or force our host nations to embrace our own identities, beliefs, traditions and cultural values using the rights enshrined upon us through international human rights protocols.
We should always know and remember that Africa for  Africans, Europe for Europeans and many other we should all live within the framework of understanding and tolerance. Only in peace we can live together as one world.
Stop imposing your country Laws and systems on other countries. Look inside yourself and identify where you belong and get back. Stop abusing the patience and understanding of your host countries'  right  by claiming racism and discrimination where it does not exists.
Let us respect our hosts countries and integrate within their terms as long they respect and observe international human rights. If you are not best in your indigenous home country how can you be best in foreign land? You can only be better by respecting your hosts countries' hospitality and making positive contribution to communities that are hosting you. 
It is not a noble did to leave your country to go and commit acts of Criminal, Anti-Social Behaviour and other unspeakable acts of violence which do not do justice to many that identify with your nationality. Protect your national Flag by being a good Ambassador of your nation.
Do not be led by Ego.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011


We have Asylum Seekers who have hidden their lives from reality by confining themselves in their houses and continue mourning about the UKBA's inhuman treatment. Do not hide yourself there are organisations that can help you transform your lives without you having take anti-depressants. We encourage all people running away from the injustice of their countries to respect the little help they get from their hosts. We all know that every man and woman who has gone through the Asylum system in the UK. has a nasty story to tell. It is also a fact that many other people that went through the same system where never given a torrid time. Our point is torrid time or none of it get out the and rededicate yourself to what you believe in.
Why get broken with the "KILLING ME SOFTLY" Home Office approach which is designed to inherently work within every affected person to end up volunteering to go back to their home country. What the home office does not understand is that death is never a form of choice to any sane individual. Even limited torture no would choose that as an option. It is not wrong for anyone to make heartily choice as long they are convinced they are doing what is right for them.
We appeal to all that are hiding away from taking positive actions that involve upgrading individual academic and professional skills. Call on our Blog put out your inquiries, remove fear of the unknown if it is stopping you from letting life in you. There are people that  are fear the law enforcements agents that are intended to protect them the fear is unfounded and just a phantom. There many programmes out there that are designed to benefit Asylum Seekers and Refugees. Stand up and make yourselves heard and take the opportunity to serve your purposed, we all know that for believers and non believers we were all created for a purpose. How does locking oneself 24/7 in a house change your way of life?
We at DASUK INTERNATIONAL we are ready to play our part in improving the moment by empowering those willing to participate in community integration projects. Take your space in the Big Society by f bringing your ideas and and visions to the public domain that translate them into reality.
Do not hide for all the potential in you is wasted when indulge into drug abuse and other anti-social behaviors.
There is a beautiful world out there that is prepared to benefit from your positive contribution. 

Use your voice to bring the change, you do not need fear it will only fail your dreams and make you a slave.

Saturday, 21 May 2011


Many Asylum Seekers have allowed the negative forces and treatment by the UKBA to marginalise them from engaging in many positive projects and occupations that can transform their lives. It is quite surprising that there  are many opportunities that can benefit the Asylum population but many are busy focusing on things that are not going to change their lives in any positive way. It is very sad that for those that have failed to align themselves properly are going to remain in the doldrums of confusion and failure. The Asylum systems in many countries has benefited some refugee as well as destroy many innocent people owing to inconsistent application policies. The unfortunate manipulation of immigration matters by politicians when they seek political mileage during electoral campains has made the situation worse.
The media has domonised immigration without making any significant effort in highlighting the difference between illegal immigration and Asylum Seekers. The posturing by the media has served to help to give mileage to politicians who are all getting popular for their rethoric against immigration. Apart from the genuine reasons among those seeking Asylum the media has failed to make any effort to try and educate the citizens of the differences of immigration and Asylum matters.

Such derogatory terminology has been used by members of the public who are ignorant of the situations that drive people to British shores and many other countries. The unfortunate situation arises from the fact that many other people are running away from the devastating bombs and blazing guns by both the British, American French armies and many others in the NATO military alliance.
Dispite their governments in wars of distabilisation and liberation citizens stil do not welcome foreign people with the correct understading required to foster proper intergration into their communities. It is the tax payers of these countries who money is used to buy, ship armies and bombs to countries that end having their citizens flooding Europe and other continets.
Calling people running away from bombs of the purported liberators is ingorance at its best. Change this arrogance and make this world a better place. Turn these bombs and guns in ploughs and help people starving. No one is a benefit scrounger unless driven into these circumstances by the tax payers of countries whose citizenry are paying for the world's distabilisation.
Although we would urge all Dictators as well as the Western world to desist from making wars that distabilise people in poor countries, many countries they are sure they are not ready to help their displaced citizens. Asylum Seekers have found themselves suffering from many problems ranging from mental health, physical torture and many other inhuman behaviours that remove their dignity. The unfortunate situation is that many charities have come to the rescue of Asylum Seekers who are in some cases unwilling to cooperate with their potential helpers due to deteriorating mental health. Many people have lost the sense of purpose and value of live a normal life as they are constantly demonised by those around them. The host country political systems that is exploiting them through negative media publicity.
Asylum Seekers should learn to keep their heads under water and desist from allowing their abusers to get away with the "KILL ME SOFTLY" approach being implemented under th guise of genuine assistance.
It is common knowledge that most people are coming from very dangerous circumstances and when the get in countries they are seeking refugee they suffer another wave of inhuman treatment through a process that pretends to be helping them when in actual fact the worst is implemented against them.
The Term Failed Asylum Seekers is poorly coined and shows how some human beings in positions of trust seem to think that the are now "Little Gods" who can determine the destiny of deprived and survivors of persecution. Politicians have used the majority mandate to exercise cruelty through the use of Parliament and their various government departments. No one has the right to abuse anybody according the norm of creation. Politicians have not hesitated getting popular vote for being ruthless to defenseless people.
The UKBA has thrown people it calls Failed Asylum Seekers on to the street without the right to work, accommodation, food and anything to hold on to.  These people are Denied the right to protection for their lack competence to explain the circumstances that got them into the countries they sought refuge. This is happening in country that is moving around the world pouring bombs and money for all form of democracy when in its borders people are being subjected the old slavery conditions that were abolished a long time ago in our history.
The world need to wake up the reality of the abuse of human beings mainly Asylum Seekers by governments which are subjecting other people to brutal conditions of living. These developed Dictators are using their military might to bully many innocent third world countries just to advance their agenda of occupation and exploitation of resources. The world must stand up and say No to the abuse of people that seek refuge.
Campaign for the right to work for Asylum Seekers that are thrown out Section 4 and section 95 support to the streets without any form of help and home. Stop voting for political parties that tell lies, that immigration is the source of their countries' woes when the bombs they drop throughout the world are causing death and so much suffering among people they do not want to see within their borders.
Minorities groups in developed countries wake up and smell the coffee.


Tuesday, 26 April 2011



We at DASUK AND INTERNATIONAL would like to request all Zimbabweans who have been deprived justice owing to the UKBA practice of sending important letters of court appearances to wrong addresses.
This practice is quite shocking and unjust as it only serves to deprive the Asylum applicants the justice they deserve through their inability to appear in court as scheduled.
There are many Asylum Applicants whose letters to appear for court or other important interviews were deliberately send to wrong addresses. The practice serves to put the Asylum Applicants in a position of default and blame thereby dis-empowering them or resulting in their Asylum cases falling off by the wayside.
Many Asylum applicants have suffered this injustice without any room or avenue of recourse. These actions are purely to fail innocent people that have spend a life time waiting for decisions that determine the course of their lives.
The practical examples are situations where Home Office UKBA puts Asylum Seekers into section 4 and NASS section 95 support, the UKBA is the one that gives you the accommodation and they write to you any correspondence that has their interests, where you are to report, and the conditions of your movement. The same UKBA sends your will send your letters requesting your court appearances to the old address where they sure you no longer live. They know you no longer live there because they are the ones who will have given you accommodation as well as where to report.

  • What is the idea of this practice?
  • How does practice benefit the Asylum Applicants?
  • Is the the practice consistent with the genuine intention to be just?

Certainly this country claims to be creating a Just and Fair society through such injustice. It is quite astonishing that captains of poor democratic practice take it upon themselves to teach the world about democracy. There are many events that have affect the welfare of Asylum Seekers in the United Kingdom and many other countries that do not reflect the values they preach when justifying bringing wars to other countries' door steps.
We in DASUK and International trust the the UKBA will see reason in practicing justice and treating Asylum Applicants with respect. It is not impossible that many that are in the Asylum process will one day be policy makers and administrators when their countries are free and safe to return to.
It is important that the Home Office and UKBA update the system in order to provide them with the current address of Applicants to remove the unfair practice of depriving people the right to communication. The United King is not comparable third world countries where such practice are over shadowed with corruption and lack of resources.
It is important that this country sets the right examples if this nation is to take up the international leadership role it currently abuses in many other faculties of life.

For those that have been subjected to this unfair practice provide your comments below this article.

Saturday, 16 April 2011


Access - Empowerment – Advocacy Update
The RRF’s Training & Development Project has started supporting members from the Region`s RCOs.
We are supporting participants to improve community access to the most appropriate support for
training, employment and career goals, physical and mental health, and to promote greater safety
and security in the areas in which they live.
The project is also empowering participants to be effective advocates and community
representatives on unmet needs, barriers, disadvantages, inequalities and discrimination that they
and others face in progressing these areas of life. We are supporting them to gather evidence and
use it effectively through engaging in local policy and planning processes, and contributing to the
RRF’s sub-groups to present the Collective Voice at the regional level.
In addition we have started to support the development of greater awareness, understanding and
skills within key service delivery agencies so that they can develop better and sustained relations
with the refugee and asylum seeker community, and deliver a more accessible, appropriate and
effective support to them.
Please contact us to hear more about the support we can give to you
Herbert Dirahu, Project Manager herbert.dirahu@refugeevoices.org.uk or phone 01642 232446 in
Middlesbrough and 0191423 6255 in Gateshead.
Or just pop in to our offices at the Newport Neighbourhood Centre in Middlesbrough or to Design
Works in Felling, Gateshead. Monday to Friday (9:00am – 5pm)                                  
RRF supports regional campaign against UKBA change of contract for asylum
seeker accommodation in the region
On behalf of all members, the RRF Committee have sent a letter to the Immigration Minister,
Damian Green MP to demand the Home Office reconsider its new contracting arrangements for
accommodation of asylum seekers in the North East. Other agencies and organisations across the
region are also sending letters. Many of you will already have received letters from the UKBA
informing you of their decision to end its contract with NECCAS (the consortium of local authorities
in the North East). From April all accommodation will be contracted with the private sector company
Jomast. This will affect very many of your community members.
The RRF Committee has also supported the campaign to save Newcastle’s Asylum Seeker Unit by
sending a letter to Newcastle Central MP, Chi Onwurah, to ask her to make representations in
Parliament about the UKBA’s ending of its housing contract with Your Homes Newcastle. The RRF
can support RCOs in other towns to request the same action of their MPs. Please contact our staff
for more information.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


There is evidence among the minority groups mainly Asylum Seekers and refugee population that those posted into unfamiliar areas that are chosen by the UKBA facing all forms of racial abuse. These incidents happen in all places whether public or private, if you are affected by racial abuse take the courage to bring this to the attention of police. Record the police contact whom you report the incident, the date and time of the report. It is very sad to note that there are incidents of verbal and physical abuse done to minority groups and individuals without the police offering the appropriate response to distress calls. We at Dasuk & Int. we are calling all those that feel that they are living in fear of lack of adequate police protection to contact us with details. We are here to work with Police Authorities that want to ensure the police do their work within their daily routines. We should all prove the inefficiency that are inherent in all cases where Black Minorities are involved. The abuses are normally perpetrated by young people as young as 10years and above. We have a role to play in making sure that we get the right treatment within the societies we live in.
We call upon all peace loving citizens to assist in curbing these disturbing situations which we all believe are out of date and not consistent with the wishes of most peace loving nations.
For the individuals affected by fear and prejudice it is time to get up and do something to protect yourself from the evil that is dragging all civilised societies into the dark ages.


Wednesday, 16 March 2011


The word Asylum did not exist among many of my Zimbabwean country men and women until the human rights abuses in Zimbabwe took a very serious and notorious dimension. The rage of the ruling regime took pain from the white men in Zimbabwe's farming community, when they supported the year 2000 Referendum that defeated the ruling party’s sponsored constitution. The role of the White community angered Robert Mugabe and his cronies, who were cultivating and reinforcing his party's hold to power in order for him to remain at the helm of power for a life time.
The exodus of Zimbabweans took them to the most unusual places on the globe, Zimbabweans went as far as Australia, China, New Zealand USA and many other least expected destinations to seek refuge from both political abuse, persecution and death. Unfortunate many host countries went on to put a label of “economic refugees” on many fleeing Zimbabweans. A situation that has been disappointing and too crude to cope with for those affected.

Although though the international media has peddled the social ills some of the Zimbabwean nationals abroad have engaged in, there is a dark corner of what has been withheld by the media. There has been deliberate lack of desire by the international media to expose the host countries’ abuses of refugees, Asylum Seekers applicants and those labelled Failed Asylum Seekers. Although I will confine my Asylum issues to situation affecting Zimbabweans, the situation and events described in this writing are common to every other national who has applied for Asylum in the United Kingdom and many other countries.
It is a very shocking experience to know that the U.K. Home Office through the UKBA, whether through Act of Parliament or institutional autonomy has developed and implemented an Asylum system that has a greater bias of frustrating Asylum Applicants. The system is designed to discourage Asylum Seeker Applicants from pursuing formal the path of protection but return to their countries of origin and face whatever disastrous consequences such return would cause them.
The Asylum system clearly manipulated from within the Home Office UKBA is designed to intimidate, discourage, ridicule and break the mental and spiritual lives of Asylum Applicants. Asylum Seekers are an unwanted human species by UK authorities who falsely the claim that their population are supportive of their anti Asylum policies. The hate for Asylum applicants in the U.K. have been also hijacked by weak political parties that choose to appease the electorate by making false promises and claims that when in power they would get rid of all Asylum Seekers and other illegal immigrants from their shores.  The Asylum Seekers and other illegal immigrants are held responsible for the economic decline the country has endured as they are accused of plundering the country’s benefit system. The government will not mention the effects this country's war adventures in the world and its impact on the British economy. Let alone all these wars are funded by the British tax payer.
 In the screening process Homes Office UKBA’s interviewing officers try hard to confuse and distort the facts presented by Asylum applicants in order to create deliberate loopholes that will expose Asylum applicants as not credible witnesses. This process of omitting crucial points which are useful in justifying the granting of international protection to applicants is deliberate and well executed. The same Officers have often taken advantage of the ignorance of Asylum applicants by misleading them to believe they were in safe hands yet in real terms the officers will assist applicants digging their own graves.
It emerges through the British people working with all Refugees and "Failed Asylum Seekers" which in truth is Denied Asylum Seekers whom the majority of are genuine claimants. These unfortunate people are being denied their protection rights by British politicians. The experience of many granted and failed Asylum Applicants has proved the point that these European hosts are the same as the African Dictators. The Western politicians have used socials media topics and discussions to steer the electorate to get negatively emotional over immaterial issues concerning Asylum Seeker Applicants. The politicians constantly use the Asylum and immigration issues to get the electorate’s vote. It also emerges that the British population and other Western countries are aware of the double standards by their politicians. It is true that many ordinary people in Western countries including British are people open minded over the Asylum Seekers and do not even support the punitive measures exerted on innocent people seeking protection. Poor Asylum negative decisions have endangered the lives of the ordinary Western people in the world especially those who conduct tourism. Throughout the world the risk of Western tourists getting kidnapped is not strange news but a relevant act owing to the radicalising of people from different countries by the Home Office UKBA. 
People are being legitimately dehumanised by the negative polices designed by the Home Office’s UKBA and its political actors with living nerve of racism. There is subtle approval from the authoritative politicians whom when asked in public deny any ills by this country. Money has been used by many Western countries to buy a positive image which on justified basis they may not deserve.
The degradation and dehumanisation of Refugees and immigrants in the U.K. is worse than what the immigrants face in their countries of origin as they are normally killed or injured and immediately dealt with by their persecutors. Victims of most Dictators abuse exposed to physical, mental disabilities and sometimes death without going through prolonged physical, emotional and mental abuse like what Asylum applicants experience. The U.K. Home Office deliberately destroy some the Asylum Seekers through a well coordinated policy implemented in guise of assistance. The real terms of assistance have no innocent intention it is nowhere near the true help that we all know. This is the face of a country that goes on around the world dropping ferocious bombs in defence of human rights and democracy. Although these bad situations are experienced by many it does not mean everyone who has gone through the Western Asylum system has been treated badly. There are many that can speak great things about the Home Office and the UKBA.

It is true that there is democracy in the U.K.?

The answer to this question can only be valid when we all look at the events that are confronting the British public and the minority legal and illegal immigrants who are always handy to blame for all the misfortunes that affect the British Society.
The minority groups in the U.K. are cheated to believe that they are treated as any other Indigenous British people when it comes to the Equal Opportunities policy. The truth is that the authorities have made it clear that their ruthless treatment of Denied Asylum Seekers and refusal to grant the Failed Asylum Seekers the right to work is an effort directed at preventing the competition that immigrants present to their hosts. The Denied Asylum Seekers and Illegal immigrant workers are more productive and compliant to employer disciplinary regulations in relation to employment regulations. It is clear that some employers in particular industries and service companies would prefer to have immigrant workers because their attitude towards work rewards the employers with more production.
It is very sad that simple issues of immigration have been used to break the Failed Asylum Seekers’ ability to exist within the whims of justice in country that postures volumes of human rights protection and democracy. The very ordinary British people who are always cited by politicians as the ones responsible for the Home Office policy formulation strategies are the ones who are taking it upon themselves to try and protect and assist the refugees and Failed Asylum Seekers neglected by the government.